No Hesitation : NYPD Shoot A Disabled Woman Because A Man Pointed His Finger At Them

Cops trying to subdue an emotionally disturbed man with a long rap sheet accidentally shot two female bystanders outside Port Authority Bus Terminal on Saturday night, source said.

Two cops pulled off a total of three shots in the mistaken belief that the deranged man was armed after he reached into his pocket as they approached him, officials said.

The 35-year-old man took his hand out of his pocket and “simulated shooting the officers,” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters.

One victim, 54, was struck in her leg — breaking two bones in her calf — as she stood leaning on her four-wheeled walker across from the terminal; a second woman, 35, was grazed in her buttocks.

Cops shoot two bystanders on Broadway | New York Post

The “no hesitation” police training program pays off again.

ScreenHunter_44 Feb. 23 11.58

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to No Hesitation : NYPD Shoot A Disabled Woman Because A Man Pointed His Finger At Them

  1. omnologos says:

    they’re trained to shoot anything that isn’t out of focus

  2. Should be titled: “NYPD Wants Cop Killers”

  3. Shazaam says:

    It’s not the “no hesitation” training posters. Though they help desensitize the cops to shooting anything that moves.

    It’s the Department of Homeland Security grants to any police departments that subsidize the hiring of Afghanistan and Iraq war vets as police officers. And those returning war veterans have been trained to shoot everything that moves for survival for years. Habits like that do not break easily, thus the massive increase in cops shooting anything that moves….

    • Don says:

      Not to mention flashbacks they have of combat situations; PTSD. We are told how serious that is yet they hire these vets as LEO’s. There’s more going on here they we see clearly. Deliberate reasoning behind it?

    • Rocky says:

      I’m calling bull-shit on that comment. The rules of engagement require the troops to be disciplined shooters.

  4. Gamecock says:

    NYPD cops can’t shoot. They went to hollow point bullets years ago to “reduce over penetration.” Yet statistics showed that they hit their target only %17 of the time.

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