Shock News : Obama’s Syria Policy Based On Fraudster’s Work

Obama’s Syria policy has as much basis as his climate policy.

ScreenHunter_654 Sep. 17 05.42

O’Bagy, whose work on the Syrian opposition was hailed by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), was fired from her job as the lead Syria researcher at the Institute for the Study of War on Sept. 10  after it was revealed that she misled her bosses by telling them she had completed a dissertation defense for a Georgetown Ph.D. Subsequently, questions arose as to whether or not O’Bagy was ever enrolled in the joint MA/Ph.D. program that she claimed in her official biography.

O’Bagy confirmed to The Daily Beast that she was only enrolled in a master’s program at Georgetown and had applied to join the joint MA/Ph.D. program but was never accepted.

Embattled Syria Expert Was Never in Ph.D. Program – The Daily Beast

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Shock News : Obama’s Syria Policy Based On Fraudster’s Work

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    amazing how so many upper level jobholders LIED blatantly re their qualifications.
    and how many people don’t check up.
    till its a bit too late!

  2. gator69 says:

    But if only she had been a rabble rouser in Chicago, she could have qualified as POTUS. Too bad she didn’t think to just forge a sheepskin.

  3. jack b :-) says:

    I guess there’s no HR department – you know, like in the real world – checking bona fides when these newly minted ‘public servants’ come sashaying (slithering?) through the beltway turnstile for the first time.

    Pretty much shores up any lingering doubt about the whole mud wallow for me. And you?

    • jack b :-) says:

      And yes I know the isw is a private consultant group – one of many in the consultancy lass. Just wondering about the whole regime thing and the incestuous throng that surrounds it in and out of the beltway. ‘Which’ regime doesn’t really matter to me anymore, as they all seem to become one at some point; however, the current one ‘has a pretty fragrant bouquet’ as we say out here in the cattle lands of west Texas.

  4. Hugh K says:

    The problem is that few, if any, of these fraudsters on the left are ever held accountable for their actions.

    To wit; I sent an email to Heartland Institute asking for an update on the Peter ‘chief climate ethicist/admitted fraudster’ PeterGleick case. As you might recall, Gleick publicly confessed to deceitful tactics that he described as a serious ethical slip.

    I asked for permission from HI to publish their reply in a comment here at Real Science. They graciously agreed. Here is that reply by HI — “The federal criminal case against Peter Gleick is still “open,” but it sure does appear local prosecutors are not eager to prosecute. As to why, one should take a good look at the Department of Justice these days.”

  5. scizzorbill says:

    ‘mistakes’ my ass. she was recruited by the White House to give credence to their warmonger intent. she was a brief poster child useful idiot for the globalist permanent war elitists.

    • rw says:

      In that case we can take heart, because it means they’re even more incompetent than they seemed to be already.

      More seriously, I think this is just another case of a narcissistic youngster who didn’t think it mattered if she lied about her credentials.

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