Hansen Forecasts 30°C Warming At The Poles

Our calculated global warming in this case is 16°C, with warming at the poles approximately 30°C. Calculated warming over land areas averages approximately 20°C.

“Our calculated global warming in this case is 16°C”

Antarctica to become the new Hawaii.

Hansen appears desperate to destroy the world’s economy. I wonder who is paying him to do this?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Hansen Forecasts 30°C Warming At The Poles

  1. tom0mason says:

    This was of course, computer modeled, using unvalidated programs based on the very best science known. And just like the IPCC models it spew out worthless junk.

    • Yes, based on computer models based on a particular theory and his guesswork looking over the palaeoclimate record (which he thinks he knows how to interpret), given 1000 years, assuming he knows how much fossil fuel is available and that the entire available supply will be burnt.

    • tom0mason says:

      If you click on Steve’s link above and then click on the words ‘Hansen et al’ in the following article, you will arrive at a pdf copy of Hansen’s original paper. You can then check for yourself the wild assertions and emotive language used.

  2. Erik(Cescom) says:

    …….are they going to get the Greenies to dress all the penguins in airconditioned suits when Antarctica reaches temperatures that of Hawaii?? give me a break who are these STUPID morons making these stupid statements!!!

  3. Andy Oz says:

    From Hansen et al (ref: rsta 2012 0294)

    Humanity is now the dominant force driving changes in the Earth’s atmospheric composition and climate.”

    What a crock of sh!t.
    Take the Sun out of the equation and let’s see how the climate will change.
    This emperor has no clothes.

    • tom0mason says:

      You need to get further on where he compares earth future to venus, seas vaporizing and earth as a baked crust. All very sci-fi. Complete imaginary guff, not an iota of science in it.

  4. tom0mason says:

    Also of note is Hansen’s 1988 paper that is still available. There are some interesting early graphs that appear to have change so what over the years –

  5. Jimbo says:

    LIE, LIE, LIE, and when you get caught, LIE SOME MORE –
    The only thing melting like their phony polar bears’ habitat is the whole AGW hoax… They are panicking, and figure if they make the BIG LIE even BIGGER, they can escape… Ma Nature’s gonna put an end to their asinine “forecasts”…

  6. chris y says:

    Hansen used to be dead certain (Storms of My Children aka carbon skidmark) that Earth’s surface would be like Venus if all of the fossil fuels were burned. That is around 500 C rise. He now is dead certain it is a 16 C rise.

    This is a 97% reduction in dead certain heating. (There’s that pesky 97% again!)

  7. Kaboom says:

    No computer model predicted these fantasy temperatures. But if he is serious about it he’ll undstand that 95% of his pension must be docked to use the money to fight warming.

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