Daily Aggie Joke

ScreenHunter_864 Sep. 24 06.55

ScreenHunter_865 Sep. 24 06.55

Twitter / JunkScience: Warmists say they won’t …

ScreenHunter_866 Sep. 24 06.57

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Daily Aggie Joke

  1. Yesterday, Tom Nelson’s blog reported that the Clinton and Bush libraries were both presented an award, basically for good climate citizenship (I don’t have the link at hand). I commented on that site that this week is “climate week”, as I had already noticed on the Weather Channel, and awards like this are propaganda pieces we can expect to see through out this week particularly. So this is a continuation of the week’s official climate narrative.

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