40% Of Americans Tell Gallup That They Don’t Know Their Head From Their Ass

ScreenHunter_869 Sep. 24 08.00

Americans’ Belief That Gov’t Is Too Powerful at Record Level

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to 40% Of Americans Tell Gallup That They Don’t Know Their Head From Their Ass

  1. redc1c4 says:

    33% are fools, and 7% are apparently fascists.

  2. gator69 says:

    When it comes to that 40%, I’m not sure that there is a difference.

  3. Shazaam says:

    I wish you could separate the government employees and those who depend on the government for their existence from the tax-payers in these polls.

    I suspect the results would show an interesting bias if you could segregate that data. And I’d bet good money that those who actually pay taxes do not approve.

    And I suspect that the parasites on society (those who live on tax dollars) will approve of anything the government desires no matter how right or wrong.

  4. Don says:

    Be thankful that the numbers are not reversed. Without the internet they may well have been. It is the Al Gore invented internet (smirk) that has been the dominant reason the warming terrorists have been halted in their tracks. Talk radio second.

  5. TomC says:

    Looks like too much power was never above 50% until Democrats took over Congress, specifically, the Senate in 2007, and it hasn’t fallen below 50% since.

    • Mike D says:

      Scroll down to the break down by political affiliation and Democrats were in the high 50’s in the later part of the Bush years, then dropped to high 20’s/low 30’s in the Obama years. Which is pretty ridiculous given the increase in government power in the Obama years, such as taking over Fannie and Freddie, GM and Chrysler. The NSA excesses, the IRS excesses, EPA excesses, scrutiny of the press, etc.

      Though they’re at least back up to 38% now.

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