Settled Science Update

Global average temperatures are likely to rise by 0.3 degree to 4.8 degrees Celsius (0.5 to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100

Global Warming Slowdown Hinders Climate Treaty Effort – Bloomberg

They have that number nailed down tight – within 1600%.  On the other hand, temperatures could go down  – or people could just quit worrying about this mindless nonsense.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Settled Science Update

  1. John Q. Galt says:

    I’m sure an interesting debate about this is going on over at Popular Science… oh, wait.

  2. Don says:

    Ummmmmm……. I’ll have one from Column A and two from Column B….. and……

  3. tom0mason says:

    ‘Gonna Roll the Bones’
    These die are loaded?

  4. “It’s been a very organized campaign by climate skeptics, using the very, very tiny number of scientists who don’t agree with the almost unanimous view of everybody else and inflating small uncertainties into apparently major challenges to the scientific consensus,” Jacobs said.

    — It’s outrageous that a handful of scientists and engineers and some bloggers on the internet thwarted a billion dollar climate change industry.

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    Really, they actually said that by 2100 temperatures are going to rise from 0.5 to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit? What a joke, you’d think that would be their April Fools prediction. Maybe they see that they’re being called out for their previous predictions being completely out of whack with reality, so this time they want to try to make sure that their tracks are covered: if this global warming pause continues for another 100 years, it’s still in line with their predictions, and it’s still disaster. But wait, the talk is that there has been an actual cooling trend since 2002. This time they really need to say that by 2100 temperatures will rise anywhere from -8.6 to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and however you slice it, it’s going to be disaster, so we need to cut CO2 emissions to the bone… now!

  6. Alec, aka daffy duck says:

    Has the IPCC change their amount of man-caused warming vs natural over time? Long time ago I thought the IPCC said 50% of warming was man caused… I think then they changed it to 75% and now to ‘most’

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