Why Doesn’t John McCain Just Switch Parties?

John McCain’s incompetence put Obama in the White House and he has been Obama’s biggest asset in Congress ever since. Why doesn’t he just admit that he is a progressive Democrat so that he can be ousted in the next election?

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said the effort is hopeless. “It will be a cold day in Arizona when we defund ObamaCare,”

Cruz delivers all-night floor speech against ObamaCare as vote looms | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Why Doesn’t John McCain Just Switch Parties?

  1. So he’s going to Flagstaff to defund it? Cold as hell up there.

  2. gator69 says:

    Is there a difference? Besides the speed at which they are moving us away from the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

    • The argument between the so called political elite of the two parties, for as long as I can remember, is “who is to be sacrificed to whom, how fast, how much, and for what purpose”. Any difference is irrelevant because it is sacrifice 24/7/365.25.

      I am not convinced that even the current fight over Obama Care is anything but Kabuki Theater. It is too little, too late, and no good will come of it. The reason I say this, there is not one mention that Obama Care is a gross initiation of force on every member of our society and is thereby an immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional violation of individual rights. The complaint is merely that it isn’t working, is won’t work, can’t work, and besides it’s so unfair. The fact is that it was DESIGNED from the get go not to work. Then when it doesn’t work, the violation of individual rights can be extended still further with government growing still more oppressive.

      John McCain is merely an empty shell without ideas nor principles being played for the dupe he is.

  3. Bob Greene says:

    He ran as Democrat Lite. His only brush with conservatism was Palin.

  4. The incompetent ones all tend to think alike. There are no doubt many old, old wisdom sayings (adages, that is); the one that immediately comes to mind is, “Birds of a feather, flock together.” The common “feather” is incompetent reasoning and morals (recognition of inalienable, individual human rights).

  5. Pathway says:

    The North Vietnamese must have taken the fight out of John.

  6. Mike says:

    People like McCain are why we are here. My appreciate of him stops at his service and sacrifice at the hands of the North Vietnamese. But that Service and Sacrifice does give him, or anyone else, license to destroy what the Founding Fathers served and sacrificed to give us.

  7. R. de Haan says:

    Great palls with Kerry, just look at those wo rom an historic perspective. Hacks like them only play the public. Screw them all.

  8. crosspatch says:

    I think what people don’t understand is that since the Senate was changed to popular vote around the turn of the 20th century and since the great migration of people from rural to urban areas, the largest metro areas of a state control the Senate delegation of that state. The Senators are not really elected by the state as a whole, they are elected by the major city of the state in most cases, sometimes two cities in some states. A candidate that carries Cook County, IL carries the state regardless of how the rest of the state votes. McCain is elected by the population of Phoenix. The rest of the state doesn’t matter. It certainly doesn’t matter what anyone outside of Arizona thinks about him.

    This is also the reason why you can easily have a Republican House yet a Democrat Senate. All of those rural districts in the many states of “flyover country” get House representation but the major cities of those states control the Senate delegation. The cities tend to be much “bluer” than the countryside. Until the Republicans make a real effort to make headway in urban areas, they are basically doomed in the Senate. The 17th amendment basically stripped the rural populations of political power and put control of the Senate in the hands of the political machines that control the largest urban centers of a state. That generally is how corruption was empowered and institutionalized. The people get the House and the mob gets the Senate. The 17th amendment transferred the political power in the Senate away from the state legislatures which was the original purpose of the Senate (it was the house that represented the state governments) and to the corrupt urban political machinery.

    The 17th amendment should be repealed and it should go back to states deciding how to elect their Senators themselves. Nothing would prevent a state from deciding to continue with popular statewide vote, or even a hybrid with one seat elected by the people and one seat elected by the legislature but we should have a Senate that is answerable to the state governments.

  9. R. de Haan says:

    By the way, the same goes for Chris Christy (NJ)

  10. Jason Calley says:

    Why doesn’t John McCain just switch parties? Because he can do more damage to the country by pretending to be a Republican.

  11. Smokey says:

    John McCain graduated last in his class at the Naval Academy — and he probably only graduated at all because his daddy was an Admiral.

    John McCain lost five (5) aircraft while in the Navy, because he couldn’t keep them where they belong: in the sky. He is the individual believed responsible for single-handedly causing the worst disaster in the history of the USS Forrestal. But his father was an Admiral, so he skated.

    McCain’s judgement has been, and still is, terrible. He had the nerve to call Americans “hobbits” on the Senate Floor! Senator McCain has gotten away with his POW title for his entire life — even though he admitted that he sold out his fellow POW’s.

    Did McCain cause the accident on the Forrestal? Was ‘Mr. Maverick’ hotdogging?

    Look what McCain has done to our country! Whatever happened to “Generational Theft?” What happened to “Mr. No Earmarks?” Earmarks were the only thing McCain did right. But then, McCain caved and voted for earmarks.

    134 sailors were killed on the USS Forrestal in 1967 because of McCain’s hotdogging. Many crewmen and investigators think that John McCain deliberately ‘wet-started’ his A-4E to scare the guy in the plane behind him: ‘Wet-starts’ shoot a huge flame out of the tail of the aircraft.

    Surviving crewmen, and those who investigated the Forrestal fire case, reported that McCain deliberately ‘wet-started’ his A-4E Skyhawk to shake up the guy in the aircraft following him. [‘Wet-starts’ allow kerosene to pool in the engine, igniting a giant ball of flame.]

    In McCain’s case, his ‘wet-start’ apparently ignited and launched a Zuni rocket from the the F-4, which then detonated the explosions that killed all those U.S. sailors.

    Is that true, Senator McCain? Why do you always dodge those questions? Did you cause those 134 American deaths by your irresponsible hotdogging? Shame on you, McCain, you should have been retired. You have been a disaster for the entire country with your “bi-partisan” agreements. [‘Bi-partisan’ always means caving in to the majority Party. Always.]

    Switch parties, McCain. Do something honest for once. You are no Republican. You are not even good enough to be labeled a RINO.

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