Oceans Keep Forgetting To Rise In California

ScreenHunter_993 Sep. 27 06.21

Despite being the most progressive state where anyone driving a pickup truck potentially gets shot by the police, sea level simply refuses to rise in California.

ScreenHunter_992 Sep. 27 06.19

Data and Station Information for MONTEREY

All that gushing water pouring into the sea from Greenland and Antarctica simply can’t find its way to California.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Oceans Keep Forgetting To Rise In California

  1. Ed says:

    Actually the sea is rising but we have now discovered that the level of the earth has also risen at the same rate in California. If I can post a few more like that I will qualify for a guvmint job as a guvmint approved liar.

    • kbray in california says:

      I think CO2 warming is decreasing our gravity, making the earth expand, allowing more room for all the extra water. Sea rise is really happening, it’s just not measurable.

      • @njsnowfan says:

        Warmer water expands in mass. TSI was most ever recorded since 1900 with a dip in the 1970’s area.
        There are feedback effects and one is lack of Atlantic hurricanes. With that lack of large hurricanes, no mixing has been occurring allowing most of warmer water to stay near the surface. The pacific has had some hurricanes and it has cooled some.
        Winter along east coast this winter is going to produce a few monster blizzards is my feeling. January and Februarys there will be several and I do predict one producing snow to central Florida, Orlando 6″ of snow out of one.
        They will blame it all on AGW climate change but it is caused by the sun.

        OT but has to do with Greenland. They must be getting ready for the Fall open at the Greenland Country Club this weekend, Whites are all groomed. lol

  2. scizzorbill says:

    An obvious case of Alzheimers transfer from surfers/bathers to the sea.

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