Weather Underground Says That Flooded New Mexico Is Experiencing Exceptional Drought

ScreenHunter_999 Sep. 27 08.51

ScreenHunter_1000 Sep. 27 08.51

The Most Extreme Weather State of 2013 | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Weather Underground Says That Flooded New Mexico Is Experiencing Exceptional Drought

  1. Bob Knows says:

    They show a photo of the reservoir before this year’s summer monsoon rains, not after. Photos lie.

  2. Chuck says:

    When I was flying back from Denver Tuesday, I was amazed how green the west mesa was on approach to KABQ. I have not seen it that green since the big rains of 2006.

  3. You can’t get more extreme than wet drought!

  4. CJ says:

    Good thing so few people live in (outside of KABQ that is) NM.

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