The Power Of Wind

According to Scientific American, wind speeds are getting both slower and faster due to a one part per ten thousand increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past century.

“Wind speeds are getting faster worldwide, and that’s good news for renewable energy production”

The World’s Winds Are Speeding Up – Scientific American

“in most of the U.S. wind speeds appear to be waning, in many locations by more than 1 percent a year.”

Climate Change May Mean Slower Winds – Scientific American

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“Adams County, Mississippi. was swept by two tornadoes, on May 7, 1840, land June 16, 1842, that were not only un- paralleled in horror up to that time in the history of the country, but have seldom been exceeded since. In the first 317 persons were killed and 100 injured, with a property loss of $1,260,000, and in the second 500 persons were killed outright and the property loss was even greater.”

29 May 1896, Page 4 – The Inter Ocean at

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Playing By The Rules

Toto believes it is very important to be familiar with and abide by the current rules of social and climate justice.

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Fossil Fuels Saved The Whales

“The Daily Courier
04 Feb 1939, Sat – Page 6


One of Pennsylvania’s chief claims to fame is the fact that the oil industry originated and was developed largely within her borders. Few industries have a more fascinating story.

In the 1850’s the industrialization of the United States caused a rapid’ increase in demand for illuminants and lubricants. Whale oil had been widely used for both, and its price soared to $2.50 a gallon, Substitutes were developed, and vegetable oils partly replaced whale oil as a lubricant. In England a method of distilling kerosene from coal was developed, and a coal-oil industry was rapidly growing in this country.”

04 Feb 1939, Page 6 – The Daily Courier at

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At The Bottom Of The Hockey Stick

Our leading climate academics say the years from 1908-1911 was the coldest four year period on record. In this video I examine the cold, safe and stable climate of 1911.

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Understanding The Climate

Henry Kissinger explained the government theory of global warming.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

— Henry Kissinger

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Carbon Offsets “Worthless”

CEO of biggest carbon credit certifier to resign after claims offsets worthless | Carbon offsetting | The Guardian

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Right Wing Russian Agents

“Anything and anyone these people can’t control and censor gets called “right-wing” (or “a Russian agent”). They’re dealing with their collapsed relevance and the contempt the public has for them quite poorly: by lashing out like shrieking hysterics as their ship sinks”

Glenn Greenwald

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They Believe In Science

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Running Out Of Time

Joe Biden says all the world’s top scientists agree we only have a few more years to save the planet from global warming, and he guaranteed he would end fossil fuels, end drilling and run the country off wind and solar.

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