Twitter Warnings

Twitter warns people about Chinese websites, but for some reason excludes warnings for western propaganda sites like the New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian and NPR.

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Protecting The Children And Elderly

Three years ago it was known that the average age of death from COVID-19 was 80, and that most of the deceased had multiple pre-existing conditions. China has just reported the same thing.  The solution governments came up with was to send sick people into nursing homes – and  lockdown, mask and inject children.

99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says – Bloomberg

China’s COVID-19 death toll criteria in line with WHO: NHC – CGTN

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“Build That Wall”

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The End Of Snow

Nine years ago the New York Times announced the end of snow. Dealing with the global warming crisis in Arizona can require a lot of work.

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Saving The Planet With Green Energy

“As a miner for 40 years I have worked in various mines around the world. Gold, platinum, copper, coal, lead, zinc, oil and salt. I’m going to tell you something, and here it is. We will destroy the earth in the name of “Green Energy”

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Consensus Science

Climate modelers have zero skill six weeks out, but they can predict the climate one hundred years from now within a few tenths of a degree.

“In California, a drought turned to floods. Forecasters didn’t see it coming.”

In California, a drought turned to floods. Forecasters didn’t see it coming.

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Safe And Effective

There is no indication vaccines have had any impact on the transmission of COVID19, COVID20, COVID21, COVID22 or COVID23.

Fifteen days to flatten the curve.

COVID-19 Data Explorer – Our World in Data

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COVID-19 Resources

Margaret Ann Alice, writer

Christine Anderson, German MEP

Dr Brian Artis (from 2:14:15), health analyst

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, immunologist

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, virologist

Dr Peter Breggin, psychiatrist

Andrew Bridgen, UK MP

Anna De Buisseret, lawyer

Professor Dolores Cahill, World Freedom Alliance president

Todd Callender, lawyer

Dr Shankara Chetty, physician

Professor Michel Chossudovsky, economist

Dr Vernon Coleman, doctor

James Delingpole, journalist

Edward Dowd, investment banker

Roddy Duncan, database marketeer

Alex Epstein, energy analyst

Debi Evans, nurse

Catherine Austin Fitts, investment advisor

Dr Richard Fleming, cardiologist

Dr Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer

Professor Masanori Fukashima, oncologist

George Gammon, entrepreneur

Brian Gerrish, ex-RN journalist

Dr Simon Goddek, scientist

Karen Harradine, anthropologist

Dr Roger Hodkinson, pathologist

Katie Hopkins, columnist

Dr Thomas Jendges, MD of Chemnitz Clinic

Robert F Kennedy Jr, lawyer

Karen Kingston, biotech analyst

Steve Kirsch, journalist

Peter Koenig, geopolitical analyst

Dr Pierre Kory, pulmonary specialist

Dr Robert Malone, virologist

Leslie Manookian, investment banker

Dr David Martin, security advisor

Kaira McCallum, magistrate

Dr Peter McCullough, cardiologist

Dr Lee Merritt, surgeon

Viscount Monckton, hereditary peer

Robin Monotti, filmmaker

Professor Luc Montagnier, virologist

Bob Moran, cartoonist

Elon Musk, entrepreneur

Neil Oliver, archaeologist

Kees Van Der Pijl, political scientist

Ian Plimer, geologist

John O’Looney, undertaker

Laura Perrins, barrister journalist

Dr EV Rapiti, general practitioner

Stew Peters, journalist

Dr Paul Craig Roberts, journalist

James Roguski, campaigner

Hannah Rose, lawyer

Ralph Schoellhammer, geopolitical consultant

Mark Sexton, policeman

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor

Truth Justice ™, Twitter user

Archbishop Vigano, Holy See diplomat

Katherine Watt, paralegal researcher

Stuart Wilkie (from 1:31:35), medical researcher

Clare Wills-Harrison, care home worker

Wolfgang Wodarg, pulmonary specialist

Naomi Wolf, journalist

David Wolfe, nutritionist

Patrick Wood, editor of Technocracy News

Tom Woods, journalist

Dr Mike Yeadon, ex-scientific VP at Pfizer

Dr Vladimir Zelenko, family physician

List compiled by Doug Brodie

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Bribery, Coercion And Theft

The US government tried to bribe a grieving parent into saying his son was killed by COVID instead of the vaccine, and then GoFundMe deplatformed him for telling the truth.

UPDATE: GoFundMe de-platforms dad whose only son died after Pfizer jab – LifeSite

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“Your Feelings Are More Important Than The Truth”

Speaking to the woke about climate change.

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