New York Times Veracity Meltdown Accelerates

Opinion | Climate Change Is Real. Markets, Not Governments, Offer the Cure. – The New York Times


Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

SVS: Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Recession from 1850 to 2006

Jakobshavn Glacier Grows for Third Straight Year – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

26 May 1922 – RECEDING GLACIERS. – Trove

Open-File Report 02-391

16 Aug 1902 – Alpine Glaciers Disappearing. – Trove

01 Nov 1922, 1 – The Kansas City Star at

29 Dec 1923, Page 5 – at


National Geographic Magazine Archive


The Present Climatic Fluctuation on JSTOR

graph.png (1130×600)

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Terrified By Free Speech

The press is terrified that free speech on Twitter will make it more difficult for their disinformation campaigns to go unchallenged.

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Latest From The Australia Permanent Drought

“Australia’s south-east is about to shiver through a near-record late spring cold snap to start November, with Antarctic winds to bring unseasonal snow.

Temperatures through the week will drop as much as 15 degrees below average, cold enough for rare November snow along parts of the Great Dividing Range as far north as central New South Wales.

The last time it snowed in November that far north was 2008.

Following the state’s wettest October on record, widespread storms could also trigger more flooding down the east coast.”

Antarctic winds to bring unseasonal snow for parts of south-east Australia – ABC News

The press says global warming causes both permanent drought and record rainfall in Australia.

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Phasing Out Coal By Expanding It

During the 18th century Germany had to rely on intermittent wind power, but gradually the wind turbines are being replaced by modern reliable energy sources like coal.

Wind farm in Germany is being dismantled to expand coal mine

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Latest Science From Michael Mann

12:37 PM · Oct 27, 2022

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Texas Longest Heatwave

From May 23 to October 6, 1911 Falfurrias, Texas was over 90F every day.  They averaged 100F over that 137 day period.

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New Climate Tool (Part 4)

A demo showing some uses of my online climate tool to check the accuracy of climate claims made by academics and the press.

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Overwhelmed By Junk Science

The Maldives aren’t drowning under the seas, but much of the public is drowning in fake news and junk science by the press.

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Cold October Temperatures

At the end of October 2020 we had record cold here in Cheyenne, with our maximum temperature reaching on 11F on October 25, 2020.

Wyoming has had 1,698 October daily maximum temperature readings below freezing since 1895, but they were much less common and much less cold from 1937 to 1968. Two of the coldest October cold waves occurred in 2019 and 2020.

October 26, 2020 was the coldest October 26 on record in the US.  The warmest was October 26, 1927.

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Democrats Against Diplomacy

10:53 AM · Oct 25, 2022

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