Mishandling Classified Information

In 1999, the US Government attempted to frame Wen Ho Lee as being a Chinese spy. There was no evidence to support this, and what he did was no worse than what Hillary Clinton did with her email server.

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Leaders In The Race To Net Zero

On March 21, 2022 the Shetland Islands were leaders in the race to net zero. By April 2023, ninety-six percent of the population will be in fuel poverty.

The remote Shetland Islands are a surprising leader in the race to net zero | Euronews

Fuel poverty could hit anyone earning under €120k on these remote UK islands | Euronews

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Offline …..

Paul Joseph Watson from Prison Planet tweeted this earlier today.

“Greenland ice sheet gained 7 Gigatons of mass in just one day yesterday — the largest daily gain ever recorded during the summer.”

5:30 AM · Aug 30, 2022

Shortly thereafter the site went offline.

http://polarportal.dk is unfortunately not available at the moment.

I visit that site every day and have many copies of the graph from different dates.  It will be interesting to see if the data is the same when the site comes back online.

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Rural Heat Islands

As humidity and dew points have increased in the corn belt due to increased yields, the likelihood of both very hot nights and cool nights has decreased.

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Hot Summer Nights

On July 25, 1936 temperatures at Lincoln, Nebraska never dropped below 91F. University of Nebraska students slept on the lawn because the dormitories were unbearably hot.

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New Climate Tools

A short tutorial discussing new climate analysis tools at realclimatetools.com

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California Bans Transportation

Last week California banned the sale of gasoline powered cars, and this week they are telling people not to use their electric cars because the state doesn’t have enough electricity.

“The top three conservation actions are to set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights.”

California, Western Grid Expected To Face Strain With Extreme Heat, Higher Demand | American Public Power Association

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End Of Summer Greenland Report

Over the past year, the surface of the Greenland ice sheet has gained 467 billion tons of snow and ice, including 18 billion tons over the last four days. More will likely accumulate today. This is the fourth year out of the last six which Greenland’s surface has gained above normal amounts of ice.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

The mass gain this year was about 100 billion tons above the 1981-2010 average, with most of the excess occurring at lower elevations.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal


The press reports the unusually large ice gain in recent years as record melt.

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Agricultural Heat Islands

US summer afternoon temperatures have not increased over the last 60 years, but nighttime temperatures have.

The increase correlates with the increase in corn yields in the US.

Corn yields in the United States, 1866 to 2014

Cornfields increase humidity which produces higher nighttime temperatures and lower afternoon temperatures.

How does corn affect Midwest weather?: University of Illinois Extension

How cornfields make Midwest unbearably humid | The Gazette

‘Sweaty’ Cornfields Cause U.S. Heat Wave | GearJunkie

Corn Belt States – Vivid Maps

The average daily temperature range during summer has declined sharply in the US since the 1930s drought.

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Greenland Reporting Meltdown

The press is recycling the same Arctic melting story from seventy years ago. The only difference is that in 1952 there actually was some truth to what they were saying.

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