Hottest Day On Record

July 14, 1936 was the hottest day on record in the US, with an average maximum temperature of 96F. It was also the hottest day on record in Indiana (116F.)

California, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Minnesota, and Ohio were over 110 degrees.  Thirty states were over 100F and 46 states were over 90F.

“DETROIT, July 13—(AP)—Michigan, sweltering in a heat wave more prolonged than any in its history, counted 365 deaths tonight attributed directly or indirectly to the six-day siege of 100- degree weather.

In the Detroit area 108 deaths were reported in a 14-hour period, 23 of them at Eloise County hospital as the mercury rose to 101 degrees, Out-state the highest mark reported was at Saginaw, where a reading of 111 degrees at 3:40 PM established a new all-time high for the state. The previous record was 110 at Bay City, July 2, 1911”

14 Jul 1936, Page 1 – The Greenville News at

July 14, 1954 was almost as hot. It was the hottest day on record in Illinois (117F) and Missouri (118F.)   Kansas was 120F, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, California, Nebraska and Arizona were over 110F. Thirty-four states were over 100F and forty-six states were over 90F.

15 Jul 1954, Page 1 – The Cumberland News at

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Arizona Megadrought

Flagstaff, AZ 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground

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Rewriting The Arctic

In 1971, National Geographic published a map of Arctic sea ice showing no ice within 100km of the coast of Alaska or Siberia. Yet the Polar Bears survived and their population has tripled since then.

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Dead Arctic Parrot

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

? George Orwell, 1984

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Climate Disorder

Gas Station Price Charts – Local & National Historical Average Trends –

The energy policies of western governments are crushing the poor and middle class. The policies are based on a widely promoted superstition that the use of low cost, reliable energy causes bad weather.  People promoting the climate scam want rich philanthropists to send them more money, so they can continue to freeze and starve the peasants.

Philanthropic foundations failing to act on climate change: report | The Hill

“One of the artifices of Satan is, to induce men to believe that he does not exist: another, perhaps equally fatal, is to make them fancy that he is obliged to stand quietly by, and not to meddle”

– John Wilkinson 1836

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“extraordinarily low” temperatures in West Australia

“Residents in Western Australia’s Kimberley region have shivered through one of the coldest starts to July on record, with some areas reporting record low day and night temperatures for the month.

The Bureau of Meteorology says the Kimberley is experiencing “extraordinarily low” temperatures”

Cold snap leaves residents, tourists in Western Australia’s tropical north shivering – ABC News

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Half Way Through The Arctic Melt Season

The Greenland Surface Mass Balance is far above average and has been above average every day this summer.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

The North Pole has been below normal temperatures every day for several months.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Sea ice is melting very slowly and is higher than it was fifteen years ago.

osisaf_nh_sie_daily-2years.png (1274×943)

Climate Reanalyzer

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Doublespeak To Save The Planet

Roger Harrabin of the BBC admits that rational thinking is not permitted when discussing climate, and that they use double standards in their reporting.

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“France’s industry turns to oil (and coal)”

France is struggling to regain the knowledge they had 200 years ago.

“What we’ve done is we’ve converted our boilers, so they’re capable of running on gas or oil, and we can even switch to coal if we need to,”

Fearing Russian gas shut-off, France’s industry turns to oil | Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

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No Common Sense Or Manners

Liz Cheney describes Wyoming Republicans as “crazies.” She lives in Virginia and is trying to get Wyoming Democrats to register as Republicans and corrupt the Republican primary.

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