Twenty-Five Years Of Climate Science

Twenty five years ago NASA’s James Hansen was upset that high quality US temperature data showed cooling, while his fake global temperature graph showed warming.  So they altered the US temperature data to match the global graph in the National Climate Woke Assessment.

“Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. …. U.S. climate has been following a different course than global climate”

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

Fifth National Climate Assessment

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Website Restored

Thanks to the heroic efforts of American Cloud, almost all of the malicious damage to this website done by the previous hosting service has been reversed.  Old posts are restored and the search widget is again functional. There are still some missing images but I believe those will get fixed as well.

American Cloud

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Throwing Ukraine Under The Bus

“If Russia invades…then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

“If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

2:50 PM · Nov 11, 2023

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Censorship Industrial Complex

The Censorship Industrial Complex is alive and well. My channel has received more than 99% likes with more than 50 million views, and they say I don’t have sufficient positive history. The viewership of my channel is higher than the population of California.

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Greta Moves On

Greta has changed her focus from destroying the world’s energy supply to destroying Israel.

‘Greta Thunberg is no longer a climate activist – Israel-hater is the main job

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Carbon Negative Wyoming

Wyoming is the top coal producing state in the US.  The governor wants to make the state “carbon negative.”

“Gov. Mark Gordon is under fire from the Wyoming Freedom Caucus for comments he made about the state’s energy goals during a visit to Harvard University earlier this week.

During his talk at the East Coast school, Gordon said Wyoming needs to urgently address climate change by going “carbon negative.”

Freedom Caucus Slams Gordon For Climate Change Remarks At Harvard Visit | Your Wyoming News Source

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Choosing The Right Energy Source

I traveled 1,000 miles on Saturday in a $5,000 gasoline powered truck and transported ten large boxes. None of these things would have been possible in a $60,000 Tesla.

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Settled Science

The climate gibberish being promoted by politicians and the press is always good for a laugh.


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The End Of Snow In California

Twenty years ago Katharine Hayhoe predicted the demise of skiing in California.

Emissions pathways, climate change, and impacts on California | PNAS

Mammoth Mountain closed in August and reopened today.  A nine month long ski season.

Mammoth Mountain Extends The Season … Again – Ski Mag

Northern Hemisphere snow cover is close to a record high for the date.

Global Cryosphere Watch

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Fleeing Desperate Circumstances

The Australian PM braved desperate circumstances to rescue Tuvalu.

“Tuvalu had asked Australia to implement a migration scheme, given the risk that low-lying islands and atolls faced from rising sea levels.”

Australia offers Tuvalu residents climate change visas

“Farewell Tuvalu
Andrew Simms
Monday 29 October 2001
The Guardian

The world has just shifted on its axis, but not in the way you might first imagine. A group of nine islands, home to 11,000 people, is the first nation to pay the ultimate price for global warming.
For many years the most interesting thing to happen to the Pacific island state of Tuvalu was the sale of its internet domain name, .tv, for $50m (£35m). But, just as Tuvalu has traded in its virtual domain, it is about to lose its real one.

The authorities in Tuvalu have publicly conceded defeat to the sea rising around them. Appeals have gone out to the governments of New Zealand and Australia to help in the full-scale evacuation of Tuvalu’s population. After an apparent rebuff from Australia, the first group of evacuees is due to leave for New Zealand next year.”

Comment: Farewell Tuvalu | Guardian daily comment |

“A new geological study has shown that many low-lying Pacific islands are growing, not sinking. The islands of Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia are among those which have grown, because of coral debris and sediment.”

Low-lying Pacific islands ‘growing not sinking’ – BBC News

“Kiribati consists of 33 islands, totaling 310 square miles surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. The population is 103,000. Nearly half live on a strip of land less than a mile wide. Over the last 20 years, the planet’s oceans have risen faster than at any time in history. Kiribati will soon be engulfed by water, and its people have nowhere to go”

Drowning Kiribati – Bloomberg Business

“Scientists at the University of Auckland found atolls in the Pacific nations of Marshall Islands and Kiribati, as well as the Maldives archipelago in the Indian Ocean, have grown up to 8 per cent in size over the past six decades despite sea level rise.”


Hundreds of Pacific Islands are getting bigger despite global warming – ABC News

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