“100% Non-Carbon By 2030”

The Platte River Power Authority supplies Northern Colorado with their electricity and operates a giant wind farm west of Cheyenne.  Almost sixty percent of their electricity is coming from coal this morning, and they say they will eliminate carbon by 2030.

“Platte River Power Authority is committed to working toward achieving a 100% noncarbon energy mix by 2030 while maintaining delivery of reliable, environmentally responsible and financially sustainable energy and services to its owner communities.”

Current energy production – Platte River Power Authority

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “100% Non-Carbon By 2030”

  1. Disillusioned says:

    Since their commitment is a wildly fantastic and an impossible goal, perhaps those in the Platte River Power Authority who authored such insanity will do the right thing and commit seppuku, in keeping with working toward achieving a 100% noncarbon energy mix by 2030.

    • arn says:

      They won’t.

      The first commandmend of woke elitists/malthusians .

      They never ever lead by example nor do they ever live near solar/windfarms or illegals they love so much.
      Even the lower class = intellectual elite , has not intention.
      Paul Ehrlich and Costeau may advocate for the culling of billions but they themselves prefer to reach a biblical age.

  2. Lonnie says:

    This mornings paper states, “It’s so hot in Mexico, that monkey’s are falling dead from trees”. Lol. Stupid trees!!
    They just keep feeding you some great material Tony! Have fun and thanks for keeping the Borg in check.

  3. Richard E Fritz says:

    they ALL are saying this to appease the Global Warming GODS

  4. dm says:

    Let the Platte River Power Authority go ZERO carbon by 2030. By 2035, that corner of Colorado will be populated by westerners once again–rather than refugees for CA, IL, NY, MA and other woke states–or just by prairie dogs & antelope.

    Allow me to explain–very SIMPLY. Electricity prices WILL SOAR SO HIGH NO one within the Platte River Power Authority service territory will be able to do anything BUT pay their electricity bill. PRPA clients will pay OVER $100k per month just for electricity–assuming PRPA relies just on solar panels & storage batteries.

    They will pay OVER $100k per month for using a mere 1 kWh per day. In contrast, we use about 20x MORE power just to light our house, run the frig + water pump + electronic devices. The heat pumps use substantially MORE electricity.

    Watermelons will shriek “MORE than $100k per month is BS”. So, here is the arithmetic. For a community grid, objective studies estimates the cost per kWh of electricity supplied by storage batteries vary from about $275 and $425 (see https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/renewable-proponents-say-batteries-can-stabilize-grid-experts-say-costs-are for a succinct discussion). $350 is the midpoint; so, let’s use that.

    In CO, if the community grid relies entirely on solar panels + storage batteries, batteries will energize the grid about 16 hrs each day. 16 hrs is the average over the course of a year. It includes electricity supplied at night + electricity supplied during dim days.

    $350 per kWh * 16 hours per day * 30 days per month = $168,000 per month. $168k is a multiple of what the typical CO household earns per YEAR. Pls recall, this is for just 1 kilowatt per HOUR–not the 20 or so I use to energize the lights, refrigerator, freezer and electronic devices. And, FYI, $168k OMITS the cost of electricity purchased from solar panels during daylight hours.

    • roaddog says:

      Except when the batteries are on fire, ala Otay Mesa.

      Water crisis? Waste it all putting out battery farm fires; because that will make everything better.

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