Heat Of 1936 vs. 2023

The summer of 1936 was much hotter than 2023.

CA 121, ND 121, AZ 120, OK 120, SD 120, KS 120, TX 119, MO 118, NE 118, AR 117, IA 117, IL 114, IN 114, LA 114, KY 113, MT 113, UT 113, WI 113, CO 112, ID 112, WV 112, MN 111, OH 110, WY 110

The percentage of the US to have reached 95F (35C) this year continues to be sixth lowest on record.

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Government Burning Their Citizens Alive

The Hawaii government had seventeen hours to evacuate people ahead of the fire, and then when the fire came close the government refused to let them leave.

In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out. Those who dodged barricades survived | AP News

The Washington Post blames this on “climate.”

How the Maui wildfire devastated Lahaina, hour by hour – The Washington Post

Hawaii gov agrees climate change ‘amplified the cost of human error’ on Maui fires | Fox News

“Blaming climate change for everything is just another way for politicians to try to evade responsibility. What’s needed is an honest assessment of what went wrong and provide the strategy and resources to the people of Maui to try to rebuild their lives, not hollow slogans about climate change.”

– Tulsi Gabbard

3:32 AM · Aug 22, 2023

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NASA Scientist Suffering Climate Grief

“I’m a climate scientist. Here’s how I’m handling climate grief”

I’m a climate scientist. Here’s how I’m handling climate grief

The dried up Kern River from the article has record amounts of water in it.

USGS | National Water Dashboard

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Hot Times In Illinois

On August 27, 1936 it was 111F at McLeansboro, Illinois. It was their eighteenth consecutive day over 100F

27 Aug 1936, 1 – The Belleville News-Democrat at Newspapers.com

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Growth Of The Petermann Glacier Since 2012

Greenland’s Petermann Glacier has advanced 13.4 km since August 2012.

EOSDIS Worldview

EOSDIS Worldview

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Global Boiling (Part 2)

Last week the United Nations said earth is experiencing “global boiling.” We continued documenting the world-ending crisis over the last few days in Wyoming and Colorado. It is dangerous work, but someone has to do it.

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Climate Fakery Part 22

It is impossible to keep up with the barrage of climate propaganda coming from the press and politicians, but here are a few of my favorite stories from this week.

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Antarctica Melting At -60C

Sky News says Antarctica is melting very quickly at mid-winter with temperatures of -60C, and this is causing sea level rise.

12:50 PM · Aug 8, 2023

Climate Reanalyzer

“SOME great world change is taking place on the Antarctic Continent. Its glaciers are shrinking. Commander L.A. Bernacchi, who visited the South Polar land 30 years ago, says that the Great Ice Barrier which fronts the continent with a wall of ice for 250 miles has receded at least 30 miles since it was first seen and surveyed. Sir James Ross, who went out on the earliest Antarctic expedition of the nineteenth century, and those who followed him, left clear descriptions of this tremendous ice frontage and its position. It was a cliff 150ft. high and 1000ft. thick. But now it appears to be continuing its century-long process of shrinking; and that process may have been going on for centuries.”

21 Jul 1932 – A Warmer World. – Trove

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Seventy Percent Of Brits Support Freezing In The Dark

“Latest polling reveals 70 per cent of the public support the government’s net zero goal, with just 18 per cent opposed”

Over two thirds of Brits support UK’s net zero target | BusinessGreen News

I wonder is they were asked if they were OK with going for days or weeks without electricity? Four days ago wind was producing less than 2% of UK electrical consumption.

Wind power production as a percentage

The UK could drop off the map and it would have no measurable impact on atmospheric CO2 growth.

Annual CO? emissions

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Carbon Shell Game

Climate scamsters profiteering by moving CO2 emissions from land to the ocean, which already emit most of the world’s CO2.

Will sinking tonnes of wood into the ocean help tackle climate change? | New Scientist

Carbon cycle – Carbon cycle – Wikipedia

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