Don’t Be A Conspiracy Theorist

The Guardian has been pushing the idea of using children’s blood to extend the life of old people for years. Now they say Sound of Freedom is QAnon conspiracy theory.

Young human blood may hold the secrets to ageing.

Can we reverse the ageing process by putting young blood into older people? | Ageing | The Guardian

Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America | Movies | The Guardian

The movie was filmed five years ago, before QAnon even existed.

The Guardian has taken more than $10 million from Bill Gates, and they say he is a saint because he loves children. His wife since left him over his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

Saint Bill | Rory Carroll | The Guardian

Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition

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Red Hot Map Vs. Reality

The press and social media are becoming very creative with their red hot maps, showing temperatures 0.1 degrees above average in red.

The percentage of the US to reach 100F this year is currently at a record low 18%, down from 79% in 1936.

3:38 PM · Jul 20, 2023

On July 24, 1936 Hastings, Nebraska was 116F – one of 55 days above 100F that year.

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Investing In Florida

“We are watching this relic (Greenland Ice sheet) from the last ice age disappearing before our eyes. The Ice sheet is losing 10,000+ m3 of ice per second…the equivalent of one bathtub of water to every person in the world every single day. And people still invest in Florida!”

5:03 PM · Jul 23, 2023

The beaches in Miami seem to be doing OK, as do property values.

See Miami and Miami Beach Webcams | Greater Miami & Miami Beach Search Results

It took him less then six minutes to block me.

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Climate Fakery Part 13

US heatwaves are much less severe now than they were prior to 60 years ago, so climate propagandists have replaced science and history with bright red maps.

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“A tireless chronicler”

Zeke Housefather of the IPCC and Berkley Earth blocked me on Twitter for posting a graph of NOAA temperature data.

“A tireless chronicler and commentator on all things climate”

7:38 PM · Jul 22, 2023

Zeke’s science expertise extends into biology as well.  He believes that his child has two fathers.

The Challenges of Polyamorous Parenting – The New York Times

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Scary Red Map

“This map highlights all the states in the lower 48 that are forecast to reach over 90 degrees () at some point in the next 10 days It’s every state, but one. Vermont…”

7:01 AM · Jul 22, 2023

July 23-August 2 1931 was much hotter. Every state was over 90F, thirty-three states were over 100F and ten states were over 110F. 

July 23-August 2 1930 was even hotter. Forty states were over 100F and sixteen states were over 110F.

As carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere over the past century. the percent of the US reaching 90F during that ten day period has sharply declined.

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“Basic Physics”

The International Monetary Fund has cancelled the 2022 Nobel Prize winner in physics, for not supporting their climate scam.

Nobel Laureate Silenced – CO2 Coalition

Global Warming Petition Project

Freeman Dyson, Math Genius Turned Technological Visionary, Dies at 96 – The New York Times

NASA Global Warming Stance Blasted By 49 Astronauts, Scientists Who Once Worked At Agency

Journalists at the New York Times say their disinformation campaign is basic physics.

The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof – The New York Times

May 16, 2013
Jun 25, 2013

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Hulk Listens To The Science

Hulk actor wants to end bad weather through mass civil disobedience.

9:07 AM · Jul 21, 2023

I responded with this.

2:45 AM · Jul 22, 2023

And Dr. Aaron Thierry (who listens to the science) responded by blocking me.

Instead of protesting against government, why doesn’t Mark Ruffalo simply stop using fossil fuels, and all products made or transported using fossil fuels?

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Ireland Of The West

Most years Wyoming is very brown in late July, but this year we have been getting steady rain for months. Experts say we are having the worst drought in 1,200 years.

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Glaciers In North Africa

During The Little Ice Age there were glaciers in Morocco, but by 1912 glaciers were melting all over the world.

“Glaciers were much larger and more numerous during the Little Ice Age. Small glaciers even existed as far south as the High Atlas of Morocco and the Sierra Nevada of southern Spain. In more northerly areas, such as the western Balkans, glaciers and permanent snow fields occupied hundreds of cirques on relatively low-lying mountains.”

Little Ice Age glaciers in the Mediterranean mountains

“It appears that, save over a small area, the glaciers of the world are retreating to the mountains. The Arapahoe glacier in the Rockies has been melting at a rapid rate for several years. The glacier on Mount Sarmiento in South America. which descended into the sea during the last century, is now separated from the shore by a vigorous growth of timber The Jacobshaven glacier in Greenland has retreated four miles since the year 1860, and the East glacier in Spitzbergen is more than a mile away from its old terminal moraine. In Scandinavia the snow line is farther up the mountains, and the glaciers have withdrawn 3,000 feet from the lowlands in a century”

Sausalito News 30 November 1912 — California Digital Newspaper Collection

According to Michael Mann’s hockey stick, glaciers melt during the coldest years of the last millennium, while they form when temperatures are warmer.

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