Predictable Climate Scamster

Jason Box says record ice gain is record melt.

11:09 PM · Jun 28, 2023

Places which gained more than 20cm of new ice yesterday are shown as melting.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

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Life Rendered Almost Unbearable in the Tenement Districts.”

TimesMachine: Saturday June 29, 1901 –

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Global Warming Concerns In India

India is so worried about global warming, they just made the largest airplane purchase in history.

Airbus and India’s Indigo airline clinch biggest plane deal in history | CNN Business

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Harriet Hageman Discusses Adam Schiff

Last November Wyoming replaced the worst Republican in Congress with the best one.

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Climate Fakery Part 4

Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas which forms the basis of all life on earth, but climate scamsters want people to believe it is a dirty, opaque toxin which threatens all life on earth.

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June 28, 1924 Tornado Outbreak

On June 28, 1924 tornadoes killed more than 100 people in Ohio, Pennsylvania Iowa and Illinois, including the deadliest tornado on record in Ohio.

30 Jun 1924, 1 – The Baltimore Sun at

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NBC News Supporting Pedophilia

NBC News comments that it is OK that LGBTQ activists say they are coming for your children, because they have been saying that for a long time.

“The “coming for your children” chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists”

‘We’re Coming For Your Children’ chant at NYC Drag March elicits outrage, but activists say it’s taken out of context

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Jane 28, 1865 Tornado Outbreak

On June 28, 1865 Wisconsin was hit by their second deadliest tornado on record – which killed more than twenty people at Viroqua. A schoolhouse full of children was lifted in the air twice and destroyed.

12 Jul 1865, Page 2 – The Daily Milwaukee News at

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Democrats And The Ku Klux Klan

On June 29, 1924 the Democratic Party Convention voted to not condemn the Ku Klux Klan

30 Jun 1924, 1 – The Baltimore Sun at

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EU Wants To Blot Out The Sun

The EU wants to pollute the air in order to blot out the sun.

European Union to look into blocking sun’s rays to combat climate change: Report

The same edition of Yahoo news is complaining about pollution from fires blotting out the sun.

Midwest air quality plummets as Canada wildfire smoke moves in

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