The Pine Beetle infestation is orders of magnitude worse now than it was then.
But then, using your “logic”, all the forests of the world could burn down and you would still downplay it by quoting some article on how forest fires are good for the forest ecosystem.
You have no sense of proportionality. It’s all a blitz of anecdotes.
So, uh, Foul Wind?, did .5 C send the pine beetle into this breeding/feeding frenzy? How does that square with the last several years of nonwarming travesty? If they were so sensitive to temp, why didn’t they die? Did they put on their little beetle overcoats?
But Master Pooh, it is .7C which happens to be the statistical average for the globe not for Canada/Alaska where it’s triple that.
And if you have no sense of proportionality then it be hard for you to think what difference a mere 2C is capable of doing to ecosystems.
But don’t strain your blind eyes, Master Pooh, contemplating the Pine Bark Beetle. Just take a look at what a smaller temperature rise has done to plant ecosystems:
The Pine Beetle infestation is orders of magnitude worse now than it was then.
But then, using your “logic”, all the forests of the world could burn down and you would still downplay it by quoting some article on how forest fires are good for the forest ecosystem.
You have no sense of proportionality. It’s all a blitz of anecdotes.
Yes, 200% of the trees here in Colorado are dead. Maybe 300%. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a tree in years.
So, uh, Foul Wind?, did .5 C send the pine beetle into this breeding/feeding frenzy? How does that square with the last several years of nonwarming travesty? If they were so sensitive to temp, why didn’t they die? Did they put on their little beetle overcoats?
THINK grasshopper. THINK.
But Master Pooh, it is .7C which happens to be the statistical average for the globe not for Canada/Alaska where it’s triple that.
And if you have no sense of proportionality then it be hard for you to think what difference a mere 2C is capable of doing to ecosystems.
But don’t strain your blind eyes, Master Pooh, contemplating the Pine Bark Beetle. Just take a look at what a smaller temperature rise has done to plant ecosystems:
And then the Moon god could come down and exorcise all of their body thetans.
I mean, unless you have some mechanism by which “all of the forests of the world could burn down”. Lol, yeah. Non “sequitor” mu[t]ch?
You are obviously “analogy challenged”.
Get a brain scan.
It must be really depressing to believe that the world is doomed and it’s all our fault. Sorry, wind guy.
Or is it ill guy?