1976 : Environmentalists Understood That Pine Beetles And Fire Serve A Purpose

Back in the days when environmental groups actually cared about the environment.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to 1976 : Environmentalists Understood That Pine Beetles And Fire Serve A Purpose

  1. Ill wind blowing says:

    The Pine Beetle infestation is orders of magnitude worse now than it was then.

    But then, using your “logic”, all the forests of the world could burn down and you would still downplay it by quoting some article on how forest fires are good for the forest ecosystem.

    You have no sense of proportionality. It’s all a blitz of anecdotes.

  2. Richard Todd says:

    It must be really depressing to believe that the world is doomed and it’s all our fault. Sorry, wind guy.

  3. Richard Todd says:

    Or is it ill guy?

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