1979 Solar Flare Not As Powerful As CO2


Romm says that man made CO2 is the equivalent of one million nuclear bombs per day.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to 1979 Solar Flare Not As Powerful As CO2

  1. Traitor in Chief says:

    This could solve the whole barbeque problem on the fourth. Just take your burgers and chicken breasts outside on a plate, and set them in the sun for a few minutes and they’ll be done.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Baghdad Romm

  3. Me says:

    Romm’s head should have exploded if that’s the case, you know from all that CO2 he exhailes.

  4. Ill wind blowing says:

    Let’s see. Our Lord and Gorian alter ego Sir Mockton declareth the CO2 has 1/6 the insulating power that real Socialist scientists claim.

    So that’s 1 million divided by six = 166,666 Hiroshima bombs. I guess Romm did exaggerate it a bit. 😉

    • CO2 = 14.65 mW/(m.K)
      Argon = 16.36 mW/(m.K)
      (for reference air = 23.94 mW/(m.K) )
      CO2 = 390ppm (0.039%)
      Argon = 9300ppm (0.93%)

      So Argon has about 90% of the insulative capability of CO2, and makes up about 24 times as much of the atmosphere. Why aren’t you worried about the “insulating power” of Argon?

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        The gases that make up most of the atmosphere, nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), and argon (Ar), are not greenhouse gases. This is because molecules containing two atoms of the same element such as N2 and O2 and monatomic molecules such as Argon have no net change in their dipole moment when they vibrate and hence are almost totally unaffected by infrared light.

      • You said “insulating power”. Do you not know what that means?

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        The gases that make up most of the atmosphere, nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), and argon (Ar), are not greenhouse gases. This is because molecules containing two atoms of the same element such as N2 and O2 and monatomic molecules such as Argon have no net change in their dipole moment when they vibrate and hence are almost totally unaffected by infrared light.

        Presumably that’s why IPCC AR4 includes O2 with O3 as greenhouse gases, and why N2 has an absorption spectrum also?

        FYI – http://www.coe.ou.edu/sserg/web/Results/results.htm

  5. Andy WeissDC says:

    Every day, CO2 does more damage to the planet than 1,000,000 Hiroshimas. For .04% of the atmosphere, that is a lot of bang for the buck!

    • Latitude says:

      280 ppm + 40% = 390 ppm (parts per million)

      .028 + 40% = .039

      a difference of .011 in 250 years

      human contribution less than 5% of .011 = 0.00055

      if humans contributed nothing .039 – 0.00055 = 0.03845
      CO2 levels would still be .0385 = 385 ppm

      cutting all emissions in half = 0.000275

      .039 – 0.000275 = .0387 = 387 ppm

  6. insulating power

    No, do tell, what is the insulative power of CO2? Is it as good as Argon for gas-filled double-pane windows?

  7. Ill wind blowing says:

    Semantics and confusion in the purpose of gases inside of double paned windows.

    Nitrogen, which is also used to fill up double paned windows and rifle scopes, is used to prevent humidity from fogging the glass. That’s why very dry air can also be used.

  8. Ill wind blowing says:

    You’re not responding to the issue about the actual reason for using Argon/Nitrogen in double paned windows and other devices. It has nothing to do with intercepting infrared radiation. It has to do with preventing humidity from fogging up the glass.

    As far as the double paned aspect of retaining heat is concerned, you can do the same thing with a vacuum. It’s not practical for windows but a vacuum, sandwiched between double layers of metal, is used in some cookware for insulated slow cooking.

  9. J Calvert says:

    Did you see the first comment? It reads; “Publication of deliberately false climate change data literally ought — i.e., MUST — be treated, not as a peccadillo, but as a Crime Against Humanity.
    My remark here is not an expression of an emotion, but of an intellectual and humanitarian reaction of a scientist to falsification of data that could be as bad in its effect as long-term global warming itself, by permitting the latter to thrive, and acquire an egregious and panhumanly disastrous momentum. If this were World War III such people would be shot, and with far, far greater warrant than even those human catastrophes.” Wow!

    So much for Progressive thought!

    • Ill wind blowing says:

      “My remark here is not an expression of an emotion, but of an intellectual and humanitarian reaction of a scientist to falsification of data that could be as bad in its effect as long-term global warming itself, by permitting the latter to thrive, and acquire an egregious and panhumanly disastrous momentum. If this were World War III such people would be shot, and with far, far greater warrant than even those human catastrophes.” Wow!”

      Other than the fallacy of AGW being “falsified science” you are basically saying that the destructive effects of crop failures and mass starvation are trivial compared to the science itself.

      I’ll tell you what a crime worthy of summary execution is. Misquoting scientists with a 100% consistency rate (not 90% or even 99%) as Lord Monckton does is a falsification of science. Conjuring charts with phony trend lines in order to prove the opposite of what’s going on is an act of genocide.

      I look forward to the day when such people are dragged before tribunals for crimes against humanity.

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        I made a mistake in interpretation on the above remark.

        You can ignore the first two paragraphs. The last two are the ones that are pertinent.

      • Jimash says:

        “I look forward to the day when such people are dragged before tribunals for crimes against humanity.”

        Probably should have read that “Quote” twice eh ?

      • J Calvert says:

        Having seen what the AGW crowd have just done to science, it really scares me to think of what they could do to jurisprudence and justice!

      • P.J. says:

        Concentration camps come to mind.

  10. Ill wind blowing says:

    Grumpy Grampy 😉 says:
    July 4, 2011 at 10:06 pm
    “Dumb as a box of rocks! . . .
    “The best method for slow cooking is a ceramic container, Crock Pot!”

    Before you make any snap judgments it’s wise to ask a question or two for clarification. It also helps to use Google, not to reinforce your prejudicial conclusion, but to actually verify that such a thing exists. Otherwise you are simply displaying a know-it-all attitude.

    Ceramic is the best cooking method known by the general public. There is cookware which uses a vacuum sandwiched between two layers of metal (as I previously said). It could also be air although that is not quite as efficient as a vacuum. Since you’re slow to catch on, its basic design is like that of a thermos bottle,

    Below is the link that you could have found in 5 seconds if you had an open mind.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_flask_cooking 🙂

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      New fangled junk for trendy Yuppies. I will stick with my Crock Pot!
      You still display that you are Dumb as a Box of Rocks.
      Please continue with your statements. Even if it is not politically correct to laugh at a person making a fool of them selves.
      I display a “KNOW it ALL attitude because I do know it ALL!
      ? ?[om-nish-uhnt] Show IPA
      having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things. 8) 🙂

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