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Daily Archives: July 20, 2011
Why Do Flood Plains Flood?
The Gulf Coast states owe their existence to many massive floods on the Mississippi River, which deposited the thousands of feet of sediment which their cities and farms are built on. That is why some leading climate scientists tell us … Continue reading
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They Love You Julia, For Lying To Them And Stealing Their Hard Earned Money
It is worth it though, to stop 0.0001 degrees of warming over the next century. In the first Australia-wide voting intention poll conducted since Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced the details of the Carbon Tax the latest telephone Morgan Poll … Continue reading
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Coral Reefs All Went Extinct Hundreds Of Millions Of Years Ago
Leading climate experts tell us that coral atolls can’t handle changes in sea level. That is why they all went extinct eons ago, and why we find fossilized coral reefs in Kansas. Nature simply can not adapt to change. http://www.guardian.co.uk
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Always A Crisis
Without the bailout, we were sure to have a depression. Without a carbon tax, the environment will certainly collapse. Unless TSA gropes you, you are sure to die. The heat and drought will kill us all if you continue to … Continue reading
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MSNBC Bimbo Alert
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdsI-h1qeZE] What would we do without a press corps(e) of bimbo Obama worshipers.?
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Is Manhattan Underwater?
Tony Duncan has done a lot of research on the exact date which Hansen said Manhattan drowned or will drown. Which date do you think? A. 2008 B. 2018 C. 2028 Webcam imagery seems to indicate that Manhattan has not … Continue reading
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Hansen’s Doctoral Dissertation : Aerosols Make Venus Hot
Aerosols cool Earth and heat Venus. Hot Venus: Hansen was not always a greenhouse cultivator. In 1965, he was casting about for a dissertation for his Ph.D. in physics at the University of Iowa. His mentor, James Van Allen (discoverer … Continue reading
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Philadelphia July Temperatures : Two Degrees Cooler Than 1793 And 1838
Philadelphia has averaged 79F so far this month. http://www.wunderground.com/ The years 1793 1838 1791 1798 1822 1825 1828 and 1830 all had hotter July’s than 2011 so far. 1793 and 1838 both averaged 81F. http://books.google.com/books
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Heidi : “weather isn’t what it used to be”
Shock news : weather is warmer than during the ice age scare. The latest numbers, released earlier this month, show that the climate of the last 10 years was about 1.5 degrees warmer than the climate of the 1970s http://www.nytimes.com/
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Monbiot Laments Efforts To Keep The UK Economy From Collapsing
Rejoice, the boom is back! After a drought of investment, last week BP announced that it was spending £3bn to redevelop fields in the deep waters to the west of Shetland. The government was delighted: this shows, it says, that … Continue reading
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