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Daily Archives: July 29, 2011
This Is What I Was Afraid Of
One of the main reasons I started doing this blogging was because I realized that climate scamsters were going to taint the reputation of all scientists. Now that budget crunch time is here, the whole scientific community will suffer for … Continue reading
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Obama : I Refuse To Compromise – Time For Compromise
Boehner’s plan “has no chance of becoming law,” Obama said. “The time for putting party first is over. The time for compromise on behalf of the American people is now. … It’s important for everybody to step up and show … Continue reading
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Obama Solved The Illegal Immigration Problem
Solution was simple. Turn the US into a third-world banana republic. Improving Mexican economy draws undocumented immigrants home from California Mexico’s unemployment rate is now 4.9 percent, compared with 9.4 percent joblessness in the United States. http://www.sacbee.com/ It is sad, … Continue reading
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Someone Please Explain
Refusing to borrow any more money signals to creditors that we won’t further dilute their investment by printing money. The White House says that this would be catastrophic. How exactly does increasing confidence lead to catastrophe? Sell some CO2 to … Continue reading
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Southern Hemisphere Buried In Snow
We had a bit of snow across The Alps last week, down under it has been dumping with huge falls in New Zealand. In South America it has caused huge problems and some suffering. http://www.planetski.eu/news/2984
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Drowning In The Bit Stream Of BS
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=whWvXkK0HJ8] Supposedly, 2011 has the least sea ice ever witnessed by human beings. http://www.arctic.io/observations/8/2011-07-28/4-N82.263944-W154.686121
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Obama – The Action Hero
Just months after putting a bullet in Osama’s head, Obama is losing sleep over the spending binge he started three years ago. Valerie Jarrett: Obama ‘getting absolutely no sleep’ because of debt crisis The White House is pushing back against … Continue reading
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Met Office 150 Year Competition
Met Office celebrates 150 years of forecasting for the Nation Monday 1st of August 2011 is a very special day for the Met Office. We will be celebrating 150 years of forecasting for the nation, marking the anniversary of the first ever public weather … Continue reading
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In This House, We Obey The Laws Of Thermodynamics
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy0UBpagsu8] Energy received from the Sun either accumulates in the oceans or goes back out into space. If the oceans aren’t warming, that means that the amount of heat going back into space is equal to the amount being received … Continue reading
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