Another Huge Melt Day In The Arctic Basin

Red shows contraction of the ice edge from July 14 to July 15, 2011. The death spiral is really kicking in.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Another Huge Melt Day In The Arctic Basin

  1. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    How much ice will be left in the Arctic region this year? The answer is:

  2. Peter Ellis says:

    What is the point of this post? Even if we were on track to lose the entire Arctic basin this summer (which we’re not), a single day’s change would be barely noticeable. Ice loss in July 2011 is practically identical to 2007, way ahead of any other year in the record. With each passing day a new record becomes more likely.

    What will you do in a decade’s time when the trend is even more undeniable? Start posting photos at 6 hour intervals so you can say “Look, no change!” ?

    • Traitor in Chief says:

      No, whatever it is doing, we’ll be saying: No Matter. Because If 2007 is matched or exceeded, it won’t have anything to do with CO2. We’re not suffering from your delusion. The satellite record is extremely short. Why leap like a lemming into a theory of a forever linear trend in a natural system known to be dominated by cyclical changes? There is not enough data to even determine a baseline for summer extent, if any such baseline even exists.

  3. B.C. says:

    What will you do in a decade’s time when the trend is even more undeniable?

    Nice variation on the latest WarmMongering scammers’ latest epithet for those of us who haven’t fallen for Teh Great Goreacle’s Great Gaian Ponzi Scheme. The question is, what will YOU do in a decade’s time when the Spring thaw in the Northern Hemisphere’s food-producing regions comes a month or two later and crops start failing? There are more historical and Empirical data indicators for an upcoming Maunder Minimum than some supposedly “ice free Arctic”. In fact, there are ZERO indicators for the latter, so you’d better start stocking up on Ramen noodles and parkas. (Helpful tip: If you mix the beef & chicken ones, you get Buffalo wing flavor.)

    • rw says:

      Warmmongerers don’t think about what they might be held liable for when their antics cause real damage – and there is no justifiable cause forthcoming. (I think this is part of the syndrome, which is probably related to the Vision of the Annointed syndrome identified by T. Sowell.) Perhaps they should – for their own sakes.

  4. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    The “Winds” DID eliminate the Arctic ice cap thousands of years ago. We are currently experiencing the waning phase of the Holocene Climate Optimum. However there is new evidence that we may be following a previous pattern where there was a 20,000 year interglacial with a dip centered around 10,000 years. If that is the case we are then headed towards the second “Hump” period but it will take about 3,000 years to realize that we are indeed heading that way due to natural short term variations. 8,000 it was possible the Arctic region remained ice free up to 10 months of the year and what we see as the yearly minimum was the yearly maximum.

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