Australia Faces Permanent Drought

Dr. Risbey is a very nice guy and sat at my table in Lisbon.

Australia Faces Permanent Drought

Australia may be facing a permanent drought because of an accelerating vortex of winds whipping around the Antarctic that threatens to disrupt rainfall, scientists said. Spinning faster and tighter, the 100 mph jet stream is pulling climate bands south and dragging rain from Australia into the Southern Ocean, they say.

They attribute the phenomenon to global warming and loss of the ozone layer over Antarctica. Dr. James Risbey of the Center for Dynamical Meteorology and Oceanography at Melbourne’s Monash University said the situation is probably not being confronted as “full-on” as it should.

Australia, one of the world’s top agricultural supply nations, has just been through its worst drought in 100 years. An international band of scientists and meteorologists are focusing on the vortex as an explanation for declining rainfall.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Australia Faces Permanent Drought

  1. A K Haart says:

    “Dr. Risbey is a very nice guy and sat at my table in Lisbon.”

    One of the nicest guys I know is as mad as a box of frogs.

  2. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    Normal variation in long term weather patterns and myopic researchers. I also have known a lot of really nice near sited people who can not see the Forest for the Trees.
    Nothing in this world is permanent!!!

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