Brainwashing Is Ubiquitous

Seventy-six percent say hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes are becoming more frequent, and 31 percent say much more. Only 2 percent perceive a decline and 23 percent no change.

It has been 1032 days since the US was hit by a hurricane.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Brainwashing Is Ubiquitous

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    Only speaking in words allows invisibility 2 cloak U.

    Love lives there.
    You need b’ b’ beh bad binoculars to see it.
    In the corner of your hackneyed sky,

    Push it along.
    Delight in that.
    Nice 2 everyone.

    O’ rested case, lads and gentiles, I dutifully present…drum roll…the Nobel life of Randy Man Minus Wife:
    Tobacco farmer Gore’s six-fireplace palace:
    And “BIO-solar” jet ski launch (and bachelor) pad yacht: LINK REMOVED DUE TO CENSORSHIP OF MULTIPLE LINKS.

    Ode to ole A’Gore:


    Tobacco farmer Gore’s six-fireplace palace: LINK REMOVED DUE TO CENSORSHIP OF MULTIPLE LINKS.
    And his jet ski equipped yacht: LINK REMOVED DUE TO CENSORSHIP OF MULTIPLE LINKS.
    Yet U don’t do it.

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    Only speaking in words allows invisibility 2 cloak U.

    Love lives there.
    You need b’ b’ beh bad binoculars to see it.
    In the corner of your hackneyed sky,

    Push it along.
    Delight in that.
    Nice 2 everyone.

    O’ rested case, lads and gentiles, I dutifully present…drum roll…the Nobel life of Randy Man Minus Wife:
    Tobacco farmer Gore’s six-fireplace palace: LINK REMOVED DUE TO CENSORSHIP OF MULTIPLE LINKS.
    And “BIO-solar” jet ski launch (and bachelor) pad yacht: LINK REMOVED DUE TO CENSORSHIP OF MULTIPLE LINKS.

    Ode to ole A’Gore:


    Tobacco farmer Gore’s six-fireplace palace: LINK REMOVED DUE TO CENSORSHIP OF MULTIPLE LINKS.
    And his jet ski equipped yacht: LINK REMOVED DUE TO CENSORSHIP OF MULTIPLE LINKS.
    Yet U don’t do it.

    Does your voice work well here?

  3. GregW says:

    Sad that 76% have been so indoctrinated by the continual obsession in the media with “weird weather”. Too many people just soak everything up like sponges without analyzing or considering whether it’s true or not. Encouraging that only 44% are now certain that CAGW is happening, down from 51%. The skeptics are having an impact.

  4. Dave N says:

    Science by opinion poll. Probably more useful and accurate than models.

    Here’s a really, really, crazy notion: how about consulting the data?

    Is being a complete moron a requirement at UPI?

  5. omnologos says:

    online poll? smells like unscientific to me…

  6. Andy WeissDC says:

    The alarmists are claiming that last hurricane season was “hyperactive”, even though there were no landfalling storms. Since the Government names the storms in the middle of nowhere, they have a big say about how active the season the season is. They name many more storms now than they did before satellites and before the global warming agenda came into being.

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      They need to justify their funding and create the need for additional workers. With all the “Events” they are monitoring their people are overworked!

  7. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    I am surprised they did not name the bit of rain we had yesterday.

  8. DEEBEE says:

    There you go again, Steven, with criticizing the 97% again.

  9. gator69 says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how shocked people are when I explain how long it has been since the last hurricane hit the US. To a person, not one has noticed the long pause in cyclones. Yes, the brainwashing is complete, 2+2=5.

  10. mohatdebos says:

    I turned off NBC news in disgust yesterday because the broadcast started with crap about how extreme weather (drought, floods, toronadoes) was becoming more frequent. The “non-partisan” (LOL) Pew Center must be supplying interns to all of the news organizations.

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