British Press Hopes To Hold Murdoch To Their High Standards Of Information Gathering

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to British Press Hopes To Hold Murdoch To Their High Standards Of Information Gathering

  1. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    That is a joke? Right? It is like saying high standards for any of the global media. Corruption sells.

  2. gator69 says:

    A photo of a train wreck may have been more apprproate.

  3. Looks like a Mercedes. Looks like the inside of a tunnel.

  4. tmitsss says:

    Princess Di was unavailable for comment

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      Yeah but they retrieved all the voice mail from the cell phones of all involved to provide better news coverage and probably bribed the police who were doing the investigation to get an exclusive.

  5. Murray says:


  6. Ill wind blowing says:

    Three logical possibilities as to what Steve means by:

    “British Press Hopes To Hold Murdoch To Their High Standards Of Information Gathering

    1. The British standard is low and Rapacious Morlock’s standard is even lower.
    2. The British standard is lower than Saint Murdoch’s standards.
    3. They’re both at the same level and the issue is moot.

  7. Ill wind blowing says:

    Me; you eat too much beans.

    Or perhaps it’s a fetish?

  8. Blade says:

    Excellent parallel Steve. That photo is worth a thousand words.

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