But Gore Said That China Is Good ……

How could this be? Did China lie to the Nobel Prize winning village idiot?

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice this week issued a blistering rebuke of Russia, China and other countries that blocked the Security Council from adopting a statement linking the threat of climate change to international peace and security.


h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to But Gore Said That China Is Good ……

  1. suyts says:

    Isn’t it ironic that the near utopian government of red China is the one doing all of the blocking…….. both in the U.N. and atmospheric gases and aerosols.

    • Latitude says:

      What I find even more ironic……..
      with all the hysterics about ice, droughts, hurricanes….all this we’re going to die bullcrap

      There’s not one single thing we can do about it……..

    • suyts says:

      What I find simply astonishing about the mindset, is that is seems they almost have gotten to the point of accepting the view of Biblical teachings but refuse to see how they got to the point.

      To wit, the Bible teaches us that in our perfect existence, we are immortal. It is because of man’s sin that our flesh was corrupted and caused our mortality.

      This is identical to the message of the alarmists. Its an amazing parallel, seeing that it comes from such group so prevalent with atheists.

      • Latitude says:


        People have an innate need to believe in something….
        They just swapped one for the other….

        but what kind of moron would believe in man?and man’s science?

  2. Traitor in Chief says:

    I have a ten cent theory on this: Socialists are stupid. They’re characterized by gullibility, pacifism, guilt and self loathing. They seek to nurture to the point of smothering the object of their pity. Ultimately, they are suicidal.

    Communists on the other hand, see the Socialists as easy prey. Useful Idiots (which…they are). They spin yarns of Utopia for the Socialists, who suck it up like the gullible fodder of natural selection as is their role.

    Those who are astute, rational, freedom loving pragmatists, see the Communists for what they are: Manipulators, criminals, thugs,…. depraved scumbags. Today, we call these people Conservatives.

    Conservatives are the only friend the socialists will ever have. The only people who will tolerate their use(less?) idiocy without shooting them, yet the socialists spit upon them, and run to the Communists (and their doom)

    At some point, Conservatives, weary but resolved, take up arms, and flush the toilet. Then the process starts over.

  3. Traitor in Chief says:

    Changing my ending a little bit: Most often, Socialists auto terminate, or are murdered by Communists or some other fascist regime. Then, having sucked all life out of their citizens, Communists go in search of new victims.

  4. PhilJourdan says:

    Kind of hard not to lie to an idiot. No one wants to hurt their feelings after all.

  5. Jimash says:

    ” a statement linking the threat of climate change to international peace and security.”

    Why do they do and say these boneheaded things ? Who the Føøk ARE these people ?
    I shudder at the thought.
    It scares me. These people have a craving for power so deep in their twisted souls,
    that they just cannot ever see that they do wrong.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    So basically the Obama administration’s position is to far left for even China & Russia.

  7. Blade says:

    “U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice this week issued a blistering rebuke of Russia, China and other countries that blocked the Security Council from adopting a statement linking the threat of climate change to international peace and security.”

    So much irony here. This bubble-headed beyotch Susan Rice is an Anti-American pro-Commie domestic enemy. Having to scold her heroes is just so …. excellent.

    And here I am rooting for Communist China and post-commie Russia to be the sensible parties!

    … cue Twilight Zone music (again) …

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