New ice will start forming in eight weeks. Better send your oil tanker through now, while the ice is only three metres thick.
New ice will start forming in eight weeks. Better send your oil tanker through now, while the ice is only three metres thick.
So let’s see, I once challenged you to predict the state of the Arctic ice cap in 2020 and you answered by going all over the map. “It will expand, shrink or stay the same”, you said.
Yet, it seems like you keep wanting to believe that the ice cap is never as extensive/thick as (Socialist/Communist/Fascist/Marxist) climate/arctic scientists estimate it is.
So you’re always going in one direction; away from whatever it is they have to say, while not committing to saying which direction things are going. If you said anything could happen, including shrinking, why are you always taking a contrarian view?