Conspiracy : The World Is Getting More Severe

 the USGS does show a marked increase in the severity of natural events over the last ten years that no one is willing to talk about.

I’m willing to talk about it. Alien abductions are on the rise. Pompeii was recently buried in ash. San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake and fire. Butterflies have been attacking Great White Sharks. 50 million starved to death in China. Galveston was destroyed by  a hurricane. Hundreds of millions killed by plague and smallpox.

There can be little doubt that the world is more severe now. Some days now the air conditioner lets the temperature get up over 70 degrees.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Conspiracy : The World Is Getting More Severe

  1. Blade says:

    “Nevertheless there is one thing for certain, the USGS does show a marked increase in the severity of natural events over the last ten years that no one is willing to talk about.”

    Save us from his stupidity. The author byline is: Ed Dunn, Rochester Political Buzz Examiner. His credentials are:

    Edmund Dunn, President of a Real Estate Development firm, former New York State Gubernatorial Candidate in 2010 offers you the reader of a unique perspective into the world of politics, world events and how they will shape your daily life.

    Cocktail party circuit girly man, not a construction dude with blisters on his hands. In the tristate area this is the norm, business school slacker afraid to get his hands dirty and spends every minute trying to screw up other people’s lives. I know the area, I know the type, nine out of ten people are phonies. One out of ten do the work and carry the other nine.

    Sneaky too. You see how he used the USGS to create some fact-less propaganda. Nothing is documented in his little article at all.

    Eddie, its up to you to back up your statement: “USGS does show a marked increase in the severity …”. That means data on the ‘severity’ before and after ‘the last ten years’. Ed Dunn, another brainless nitwit helping to destroy Science. Why would any sane person use this dummy’s firm for anything.

    “However, a quick check of the USGS records will show something is going on.”

    Well, prove it then.

  2. Ivan says:

    How often do we see this?
    Intense heat continues to be experienced throughout England. In the south of England the temperature in the shade ranges from 90 to 95 degrees.”
    ~21 Aug 1893

  3. PhilJourdan says:

    Do not forget – dogs and cats lying down together.

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