Dalai Lama Says That Humans Control The Weather.

“These tragedies are not natural disasters, they are human disasters. They are man-made tragedies,” he said when explaining the impacts of climate change. “It is our own carelessness,” he concluded.


Many religions seem to be converging on a common worship of CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Dalai Lama Says That Humans Control The Weather.

  1. DirkH says:

    They should really change their domain name to itsgettingclimaticallydisruptedinhere as it’s not getting any hotter.

  2. You know, for a slave-owning theocrat, he sure gets his mug plastered around by a certain crowd an awful lot.

  3. Blade says:

    AGW is a welfare play, this empty headed pacifist prophet is just providing further proof.

    Phase-1 … Social Security. Expand the crap out of it, give it to people that never contributed, allow the inevitable baby boom retirement bubble to burst.

    Phase-2 … Medicare-Medicaid. Same exact plan. Include Illegal Aliens and anchor babies just for kicks. Allow Emergency rooms across the country to become 3rd world nightmares.

    Phase-3 … Obamacare. Blow the doors off Medicare completely while we’re at it. Add 35 million people to the ‘coverage’ without adding a single doctor (in fact reducing doctors). Create socialized medicine without even the moral cover of an Amendment (which prohibitionists accepted as necessary).

    Phase-4 … AGW. Redistribute non-existant cash (borrowed from your grandkids) to 3rd world beggars with their hands out like the greedy thiefs that they are. Add endlessly increasing taxes to fix something that cannot even be measured. The ultimate tax, even George Harrison would be stunned that it might come true (‘Taxman’).

    Note that the twin time-bombs of SS and Medicare (FDR and LBJ) all by themselves are self-mutating and growing and would consume the budget all by themselves with no help needed from Phase-3 or Phase-4.

    The fact that anyone could consider Phase-3 or Phase-4 with respect to the Federal budget, proves they (Liberals and green Socialists) are the enemy and do not care a bit about the destruction of the USA.

    There is no excuse for ever voting for a Socialist under any circumstance, unless you really want to see what happens when the system detonates.

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