Drudge Says It Is 116 In DC

According to Weather Underground, DC hasn’t gotten over 97 degrees this month. Also note that Washington and Oregon had their coldest June on record.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Drudge Says It Is 116 In DC

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    A common misconception is that “Drudge Says”. With rare exceptions, Drudge does not say. They print headlines and links to what others say (it is kind of an index). So in this case, it is not Drudge, it is the Washington Post. And it is not actual temperature, but “heat index”. Which rarely is kept as a record (since it is totally subjective). So your records would not show anything close to the headlines. The Washington Post is being disingenious as well, since the probability of DC getting to that “heat index” is less than 50%, the actual best guess is about 110. That equates to an actual air temperature of about 98-100, which is in range of he data you show.

    Even at 100, the coming temperature is not radically different from normal summer times. While the temperature has not gotten to that point in DC so far this year, it has gotten to that level this year (early June). I live within 100 miles of DC, so my weather is often no different (other than the surplus of hot air coming from politicians).

  2. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    They should start reporting the Auto Index, The temperature it reaches inside an automobile parked in direct sun with the windows up. At temperatures close to 100 that auto index can exceed 160 measured at the steering wheel.
    The Chicken Little Brigade is missing out on an opportunity here.

  3. Paul H says:

    I was pleased to see that Tony D complained to Drudge about their errors. It is a pity that his comments were printed in invisible ink though.

  4. Andy WeissDC says:

    A huge pet peave is when the Weather Channel shows the heat index without showing the actual temperatures or the wind chill in winter without showing the actual temperature. They assume everyone is a total idiot.

    Another point. When it’s 94 in DC, they say it feels like 105. Well, that is what 94 in DC typically feels like given our humidity.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      The continuing irony is that the “heat index” only affects animals that sweat. In other words, really only people (dogs and cats sweat through their paws – which is not much really).

  5. gator69 says:

    This page gives a great illustration of why ‘global’ temperatures are just noise. If you scroll down about two thirds of the way, you will find multiple weather station readings in the DC area. You can do this with any major US city and it is always the same, live readings showing up to 10F differences just miles apart. Like politics, all weather is local.


    • Yup. I lived in Kansas City for many years, and some news outlets used KCI’s official temps, & some used thermometers downtown. I can’t remember them being closer than 3° ever. Sometimes as much as 15°.

  6. Curt says:

    It looks like someone at Drudge or its source, and everyone here, is misinterpreting the numbers on the chart. A value of 116 means that of the 117-year record, this is the second warmest. (I have no idea whether the numbers are accurate or corrected for urbanization effects, etc.) The numbers are not degrees or heat index values.

  7. Blade says:

    I used to hear Drudge on Sunday nite AM radio. He is a pretty conservative guy, more libertarian really. I seem to remember him drinking the AGW Kool-Aid though. Not Hansen or Gore strength Kool-Aid, but the cocktail party variety. He does have many contacts to cultivate you know.

    Last I heard he was based in Miami. When you move as close to the equator as possible in the continental USA it will be warm, most of the time. I suspect the weather is coloring his otherwise level headed judgment.

    Hey Matt, move to North Dakota, or buy a few air conditioners. But don’t you dare ask me to pay to change your horrific weather in Miami.

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