Lake Powell has seen a dramatic rise in elevation since CO2 hit 375 ppm. Hurricanes and severe tornadoes are way down . It is quite clear that more CO2 is better. The 1930s was severely deficient in CO2 and the climate totally sucked. 19th century weather was atrocious and everyone in Greenland froze during the LIA
I’m guessing optimal CO2 might be between 550ppm and 4,000 ppm. What do you think?
Don’t agree Steve. Our annual temp here has been dropping like a rock since 2006, so that has been our tipping point…
I’m thinking CO2 2500 just cause it sounds cool – I mean Weepy McKibben has his prissy little so why not CO2 I’m doing all I can – my business is manufacturing and my two little shops consume about 12X a normal household of electricity but the guy in the link is putting us all to shame (although he is a light-weight compared to Al Gore):
I’ll go slow with tripling, about 1000 to 1500 seems just right to me.
Wait for alarmists to accuse you of cherry picking.. The same ones who point to extreme weather events and scream “global warming!!!!”
According to testing done for “Greenhouses” over 1500 is optimal for plant growth. They did not rely on models but real world testing on different types of plants so the results might be biased by reality.
Hey, hey, heyyy!! No fair using actual, observable, replicatable facts!
I’m going with 1270 ppm…
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