Global Warming Caused Sharks To Take Over Brisbane

A new horror for the unfortunate victims of Australia’s widespread flooding (a submerged area the size of France and Germany combined) is news that several dangerous creatures are floating in the waters around them.  Officials are warning residents of Brisbane, the country’s second-largest city, to avoid venturing into the flood waters as aggressive bull sharks have been spotted swimming through the streets.

One man now camped out on his rooftop told BBC News that he watched as one swam past his home Friday. “It was a bull shark and it was spotted in a local suburban street,” Rob Minshull said. “We do have sharks in the Brisbane River; they have obviously come over the flood barriers and come looking for food.”

A local butcher spotted two sharks swimming near his local shop in Goodna and another pair of bull sharks were spotted swimming past a local McDonald’s restaurant.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Global Warming Caused Sharks To Take Over Brisbane

  1. A K Haart says:

    “another pair of bull sharks were spotted swimming past a local McDonald’s restaurant.”

    I’m not surprised – who wants soggy buns?

  2. Paul H says:

    Two sealburgers please.

  3. Paul H says:

    O/T Another study finds that sea level rise is not increasing and actually may be decelerating (this is for the period 1940-2000, not the last 10 yrs).

    This one based on Aussie tide guages seems to back up the US study a few months ago.

  4. Ivan says:

    ” Brisbane, the country’s second-largest city”

    Firstly, Brisbane is the country’s third largest city.
    Secondly – sharks in the river are hardly a novelty:
    IPSWICH. Friday.”
    ~2 Aug 1935
    (Ipswich is 30km. inland)

  5. Ivan says:

    ..uh oh: 110 years ago:
    Brisbane, December 1.
    Wm. Quinn, while bathing in the Brisbane River, about 25 miles from the sea to-day, was attacked by a shark.”
    ~7 Dec 1901

  6. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    I was wondering if John Cook was in Brisbane when I read the header.

  7. PearlandAggie says:

    “Two sealburgers please.”—Brilliant!

    Or a couple of handsandwiches 🙂

  8. TinyCO2 says:

    Shark ONE – Shall I pick something up from the butcher’s for dinner or should we pop into McDonalds later for a takeaway?

    Shark TWO – Neither, we should eat that guy you said was free.

    Shark ONE – I didn’t say he was free, I said he was on the house.

  9. PhilJourdan says:

    Sharks only eat during a flood?

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