Google Believes In Global Warming

It is about saving the planet – not the government big-business welfare check.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Google Believes In Global Warming

  1. Adam Selene says:

    Time to sell Google stock? Just because Google throws $55 mil at windmills does not make it economically viable.

  2. higley7 says:

    This is exactly why I switched to Bing! If you do a search for global cooling, you will find very different search results between the two. Google filters their results. And relevant topics at Wikipedia are monitored by Hansen’s henchman to make sure they are AGW biased and misinformative. These people have no integrity and follow an agenda which is all based on money and power.

  3. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    I thought that project was abandoned. I recently read about a project in the Tehachapi Mountains being canceled.

  4. omnologos says:

    weren’t 55M$ more useful in the State coffers, if only to avoid bankruptcy?

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    Someone over at WUWT did a search a year or so ago on the subject. Bing came out the clear winner for information. Google being in the AGW pocket is not a secret.

  6. rw says:

    What will they manage to kill in the Mojave desert?

    Maybe warmists just hate birds.

  7. Brian G Valentine says:

    This is why the Google Brothers get invited to White House strategy meetings on how to “fix” the economy and unemployment.

    Yessirree, it’s advanced thinking like this that will get you into the big leagues.

    So remember – Aim High!

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