“Hard Evidence” That Global Warmers Are FOS


Here is a report from 1958 which says that Arctic sea ice was six feet thick – identical to today. It was “steadily thinning” and was “warming appreciably.”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to “Hard Evidence” That Global Warmers Are FOS

  1. omnologos says:

    I think what you’ve found is hard evidence that a lot of “climate news” are recycled over and over across the generations…

  2. Gator says:

    It is an illness. I remember years ago reading about hilltops in Canada that had been denuded of snow by AGW and they discovered it had been a grazing area for herd animals 10,000 years ago. Nowhwere in the breathless account did anyone ask what had caused such warming 100 centuries back. Warmists have a filter that only allows then to see evidence for AGW, and not against it.

    • glacierman says:

      Gator, you have identified the “AGW Check Valve”!

      Preventing a backflow of bullshit in every true believer.

  3. Dave N says:

    Ah, but at least we have Degree.. high response protection for men… Presumably to protect us from such warming.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    The bison skull thing seems to indicate that it was once even warmer than it is now.

  5. alex says:

    interestingly the arctic ice sheet has got thicker in last two years so that its average thickness in mar 2011 was about 3m – see http://notrickszone.com/2011/03/25/arctic-ice-thickness-makes-a-huge-gain-global-warming-freezes-more-ice/

    the ewing donn theory is interesting as it is one of the theories that posits a colder snowier climate for north europe under and globally warmer climate, as there will be more evaporation from an exposed sea meaning wetter air forming more snow. so called ‘positive feedback’. also increases cold ocean currents into the north atlantic which affects the gulf stream etc.

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