If you pay a group of people to find a particular answer, more than 50% of them will normally find that answer. As long as you continue paying them to find that answer, it is likely that the majority will continue to find that answer.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- Disillusioned on Holocene Optimum In Alaska
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…like this one, no doubt ..
The famous skull of the Piltdown Man, which was found in a Sussex gravel pit 50 years ago, and has been regarded ever since as an important clue to what the human race was like in prehistoric days, may be the century’s biggest scientific hoax.”
[Until AGW, that is]
~23 Nov 1953
…or this one..
These revelations caused a tremendous stir among members of the Institute of France. They were much divided, not only on the authenticity of the discoveries, but as to the periods to which they belonged.” [Sound familiar?]
~2 Dec 1927
Variously dated to Neolithic, Iron Age and Medieval times, the finds initiated a series of claims, counterclaims and heated debates among French archaeologists. Initially, many experts argued in favor of a hoax, but advanced testing from later decades confirmed that many of the Glozel artifacts were most likely of genuine antiquity. Wikipedia.
Not uncommonly in archaeology things may less cut and dried than first glance may indicate. Like climate science where are egos involved, and there were then as well. The phrase “…confirmed … many…” is a gloss for “all the pieces tested were genuine [since not all pieces were tested, we don’t know if any ringers were slipped in].” Sometimes the hoax is a hoax; sometimes the accusers are blowing smoke. Before 1950 and the inception of C-14 dating the only means of determining genuinety were very limited.
There is such as thing as official science.