“It’s July. It’s Illinois. It’s hot. It’s normal.”

It’s July. It’s Illinois. It’s hot. It’s normal.

But 75 years ago, summer 1936 was anything but normal for Springfield and the rest of the Midwest.

Four of Springfield’s 10 hottest days ever came during July 1936, including a then-all-time high of 110 degrees on July 14. That record was broken on the same date in 1954, which registered a high of 112.

The temperature reached triple digits on 29 days that year, including 12 consecutive days from July 4 through 14.

Nationwide, the years 1930 through 1936 were the country’s Dust Bowl years, when drought, extreme temperatures and poor farming practices turned much of the middle of the country into a wasteland. Those years also brought heat — some of the hottest summers on record — to the country’s midsection.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to “It’s July. It’s Illinois. It’s hot. It’s normal.”

  1. Squidly says:

    Here in Nashville, today, it will be approximately 3F above AVERAGE (92F today, average 89F) … and yet, Weather.com reports a “Heat Advisory” ???? WTF???

    A friend of mine in Fargo, ND was complaining on Facebook that if her car didn’t have A/C she would call in sick. So I thought to myself, hmmm, I wonder how hot it is getting there. I wondered out to Weather.com to see. 83F !!! … OMG!!! .. how in the world is anyone surviving? … This “Heat Advisory” and “Heat Index” BS has got to stop. It has become so fricken laughable.

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      Here in East Tennessee we have been under a heat advisory more most of this month for mostly low 90s temperatures as well as possible severe storm warnings. Chicken Little is working overtime this Summer.

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