It Must Be The CO2

The three strongest December-April La Ninas since 1950 occurred in 1974, 1971, and 2011.

Since 1960, 1974 and 2011 were the two worst years for tornadoes in the US. 1971 was also in the top ten.

Since 1960, the worst floods in Queensland were in 1974 and 2011. NSW had severe floods in 1971.

As Al Gore explains, it must be the CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to It Must Be The CO2

  1. PearlandAggie says:

    1971 looked to also be a bad drought year and although 1974 started out wet, it looked like it was drying out quickly towards April (according to historical PDI).

  2. Latitude says:

    No one mentions the fact that it was wet and mild leading up to the dust bowl….
    ….that’s why so many people settled there

    Here’s the elephant in the room….
    …for CO2 to have a logarithmic effect, is saying that CO2 levels were too low

  3. gator69 says:

    “As Al Gore explains, it must be the CO2.”

    Well duh! We have MORE of that CO2 now, and there are no additional suns.

  4. Wayne Ward (truthsword) says:

    Any real weather person knows cold spring is more tornadoes. The end. That is all.

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