It Must Be The CO2

In the throes of its third worst drought on record, Texas has been the hardest hit state.

the longest stretch of such heat in at least 30 years.

a throwback summer to some of our more intense drought periods such as the 1930s and the 1950s and of course the 1980 heat wave as well

Not as bad as the 1930s or the 1950s. It must be the CO2.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to It Must Be The CO2

  1. Latitude says:

    In a normal world, someone would say we’ve had good weather for the past 30 years…………

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    So stale, this nasty Nation! That thy Wily E. Don O’Coyote kingdom owns mo’ skeptics as minions than “normal” readers ‘ere sends me periodic happy tear, as I figure 2 fly in your sky 2 skywriter write, a call to arms, creating bright white clouds in your otherwise black skies.

    I’m sorry I once insulted James Hoggan, in angered passing, cynically. Envy reared it’s jaded head, one disenamored day. The shock of finding out via his book that this here was a gold plated PR firm rubbed me too raw, unexpectedly, in midlife.


    Now moot is the gun barrel enforced religious symbolic act of mercurially sacrificing Edison bulbs while churningly turning remaining pristine winded hills and mountains and oceans too into power line and access path fouled support networks for monstrous bird-chopping industrial towers, shadow-casting bat lung blasting icons of the Church of Climatology, the swinging knives of The Green Bank Authority.

    The stolen armor of science falls down before it, yet inertia of the fall itself of this giant of hypocrisy now carries a power grab along, re-energizing it in crucial moment, impossibly, birthing already tooth and claw clad green babes. Up until one century ago there lived, in the Zi Duang province of eastern country, a glass-like spider. Having devoured its prey it would drape the skeletons over its web, creating a macabre shrine of remains. Its web was also unique in that it had many layers, like floors of a building. At the top of this palace-like place, assembled with almost apparent care, were tiny shining objects, glass, beads, dew-drops. One could almost call it an altar. When the breeze blew thru this construction, it produced sounds of wailing, crying.

    Tiny wails, tiny cries.

    The baby spiders would get scared and search frantically for their mother. But the Glass Spider would have long gone, having known that the babies would survive somehow on their own.

    Now that the fast track light bulb ban has garnered fleeted attention, it’s up for normal track vote, likely tomorrow, one that needs only majority instead of super majority support, attached to another bill, in the usual way. Here is a site for you that automatically determines who your representative is and allows you send an e-mail to them, specifically about the sacrifice of greatness to the false gods of falsified science:

    It’s not likely to pass easily into Mr. Bill Becomes A Law, but this will make the GINO (“Green In Name Only”) Demagogues now adopt the prematurely birthed Bush Jr. bulb ban, after Climagegate and a dozen IPCCgates have revealed that all was not right in the state of Denmark, centered around Copenhagen, wherein Man deemed fit to control the weather.

    We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.


    Version: 2.6


  3. Myron Mesecke says:

    I have lived all of my 49 years in the same central Texas city. I remember how dust storms were frequent back in the 1970s back when the fear was global cooling. Those dust storms went away as things warmed up a bit. Now that it is cooling again I will not be surprised if the dust returns.
    I’m just glad I’m not a farmer or rancher.

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