Below is July, 1936 mapped on the same color scale. Pink is +12 degrees anomaly.
Original 1936 document.
Below is July, 1936 mapped on the same color scale. Pink is +12 degrees anomaly.
Original 1936 document.
Come on Steve, this is poor quality even by your standards. These are not referenced to the same baseline.
* The top map show the temperature anomaly relative to the 1971-2000 average
* The bottom map shows the temperature anomaly relative to some unspecified baseline.
Now, we don’t know what the baseline actuallyis for the 1936 map, but we know it’s not the 1971-200 period, since that was still 35-65 years in the future at the time the map was drawn up!
The question is: are you being really, really stupid, or actively mendacious?
Right, that half degree difference in the baseline is really going to make a huge difference in a 2 degree color band. ROFL
Prior to Hansen’s 2000 adjustment, the earlier baseline was probably higher anyway.
BTW : You forgot to congratulate me on my Arctic forecast.
He probably clean forgot it when he saw what actually panned out, because global warmers have convenient memories. They remember what is convenient for them, and opps, forget what is not. So they spend a lot time forgetting things.
dang, i thought pink was reserved for Hansen and the Arctic…
with heat like this, I think the next step is to start naming rocks in the arctic!!
Nice to see you jumped in with both feet in your mouth!
Great data. Thanks for posting this.
I am a meteorologist who doesn’t subscribe to the Church of Global Warming and I just posted the link to the NOAA chart on my Facebook page.