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Does being a climate scientist (at least the ones funded with tax money) mean you have to be a Sergant Shultz? I see nothing….I hear nothing……
A perfect poster boy for his cause.
“What follows is a critical and supplemented condensation of three books on the history of environmentalism written between 1985 and 1994 by Oxford History Professor Anna Bramwell. The latter two books were published by Yale University. The books make clear the Third Reich was a radical environmentalist regime. The Nazis promoted organic farming, reforestation, species preservation, naturalism, neo-paganism, holistic science, animal rights, sun-worship, herbalism, anti-capitalism, ecology, anti-urbanism, alternative energy, hysterical anti-pollutionism and apocalyptic anti-industrialism. At the same time the British ecology movement was stridently, treasonously fascist.”
To add to that … Hitler wanted to turn the entire nation of Germany vegetarian as a response to the unhealthiness promoted by capatilism.
More … a great article at “American Thinker” …
See the original here…
Good observation. I’ll have to do something with that idea.
I just LOVED that movie (regardless of the anti-nuke propaganda). Kubrick was brilliant.
As good as Sellers was in all three roles, I think that the comic hero was George C. Scott and his slightly smirky but deadpan lines.
Almost every minute of the film contains quips and quotable lines that can be re-used generation after generation.
SChellnhuber is the evil, nasty twin of Al Gore. He lies 24/7! He is a big policy man who wants the world handed over to a small number of wise men, himself being one of them. Look at how arrogant he is in the video. He has nothing concrete, is completely making it up, and appears so confident. No wonder Germany is in trouble; if they listen to him, they will economically commit suicide.
He is drawing guesses totally from bad climate models, hypothesizes the future and in his mountainous arrogance, pretends it’s a given. It would take thousands of years to melt Greenland and Antarctic even with 6 deg C of warming. You CANNOT analogize the Earth’s temperature to our body temperature. THey are so unrelated, he is comparing nuclear power to jello.
We have Maurice Strong and Schellnhuber as the evil twins and Al Gore as their public, evil propaganda minister.
I noticed that the news reader chick didn’t question herr Schellnhuber the least bit when he opined that the Earth was similar to the human body. As if the Earth has a system of thermal homeostasis like a warm blooded mammal. Couldn’t she have at least asked how is the Earth like a person in terms of bodily temperature?
I also noticed how Schellnhuber started rapping about human dignity (what a laugh coming from these guys) when asked about the future population “carrying capacity” of the Earth instead of getting into some of his more controversial views.
The “newsreader chick” is a member of the cheer squad at the ALP Broadcasting Commissariat. (ABC – the government-funded national broadcaster.
great lines reading there…
Hilarious. No doubt 20 years from now people will look back in amazement that many scientists, government officials, and the media were so arrogant and stupid enough to believe that it was possible for humans to control the global climate within a few degrees! Or that the planet would “die” from a 4 degree change in average temperature. What a moron.
I couldn’t get past 4 minutes. Using his human body analogy, if our nether regions were at 37C, our head and feet would be 50 to 90C colder … twit!
All these freaks need to come to work with me in northern Canada next winter and I swear they will never speak of warming agatn….
If the Earth is like a human body, we know where to shove herr Schellnhuber’s scary predictions.
“20 years from now people will look back in amazement”: and they will shudder. Till then, folks, please remember that this guy is an actual eminence grise in German (and by extension, European) politics. He does have the ears of the goverment and can set them hopping to his tune. One does hope that, given the populist whim-of-the-moment style that has rendered German (and EU) politics into completely ineffective hysteric antics for now, Schellnhuber is no more than just a creepy clown. But until he is safely locked away in a retirment home, I am not going to bet any money on that.