No More Ring Around The Bathtub

End of June inflow into Lake Powell is the second highest on record. The Obama administration warned last month that Lake Powell is drying up.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to No More Ring Around The Bathtub

  1. Scott says:

    Still the 2nd highest with July 1st data…looks by a wider margin too. Inflow is ~10% on July 1st than on June 29, 2011. 🙂


  2. Scott says:

    The linked site has all sorts of good info. We’re still 14 ft below avg for July 1, but with much higher net inflows than normal still, that gap may close more. The water temperature is also telling. The site only has it since 2000, but for July 1 it’s 72 F, which is the coldest on record by 2 F. Guess all that snowpack wasn’t warm after all. 😉


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