Pattern Recognition Test

One of the people below is not a terrorist. Hint – she is the only one which TSA stopped.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Pattern Recognition Test

  1. Alexej Buergin says:

    That might have been a difficult, interesting excercise if you had not given the plot away be telling us it is a she. And her being in a picture alone all by herself.

  2. Douglas DC says:

    Gee, not a 85 year old Lutheran Granny? Gotta keep an eye on those.
    (especially ones with those titanium hip replacements..)

  3. Charles Higley says:

    My daughter is 25, blond, blue-eyed, 5’4″, in shape, and cute. She gets stopped EVERYTIME!

    Has anyone checked the profile they are using? Oh, they do NOT profile; they go be sexual curiosity and attractiveness—typical government approach to people (women)—jumping at the chance to frisk a young female.

    They get SOOOOO upset when a girl opts for the X-ray and does not want a good government grope.

  4. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    I am going to get a part time job with TSA! I will probably offer to pay them for the opportunity to “Frisk” likely suspects like that! 8)

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The movie Syriana was a funny little thing. It dripped with left wing imaginations. There was a Middle Eastern kid that didn’t like having to work a real job so he became a suicide bomber. We were supposed to sympathize with him. I didn’t. I thought the movie was silly, and worse, dangerous. I think George Clooney, the star of the movie, is sillier.

  6. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:


    Look what’s happening in New Hampshire:

    Bachmann gaining on Romney. Palin losing ground with Tea Party.

    • NikFromNYC says:

      The huge question about Bachmann is how female moderates will react to her. Women can be very catty towards ambitious gals who are also cute. I’d like to see a poll breakdown according to sex also broken down into party affiliation. I mean Obama gets 95% of the black vote, but Bachmann might actually energize women against her, though I imagine much less so than Palin since Bachmann gives of a high status vibe and women are attracted to status more than anything else. Normally I’d just start asking around but being on the Upper West Side in a college area, moderate women are hard to run into, let alone conservative ones! The media is not exactly negatively frantic about Bachmann though like they were about Bush Jr. and Palin.

      There’s a good chance any Republican who isn’t a train wreck will win, and right now it’s between de-carbonizing pawn Romney and carbon queen Bachmann. A race between a black man and a dainty white woman vs. a big white man is quite a different stereotypical image to present to the subconscious of the nation.

      • Men have demonstrated repeatedly that they are completely incompetent to run the country. Time to give women a chance.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        I don’t like the sexy vibe Sarah Palin is giving off. After watching her over time I can see how her daughter got pregnant at an early age. I have completely lost any desire to have her as President.

        On the other hand I VERY MUCH would like Michele Bachmann to become President. I think she would end up being a better President than anyone is thinking she would be.

    • Blade says:

      “Sexy Vibes”, “How will females react to her”

      How about voting for the person MOST LIKELY to follow the Constitution.

      At this juncture only tow of them that I can see and they are both Female. I’m cool with that.

      In 2000 in the early phase it was Alan Keyes. Then, the powers that be started their handwringing about electability and selected the candidate least likely to complete a sentence.

      Short Circuit the primary process at our own peril. We’ve got nothing to lose except our country.

    • Blade says:

      stupid typo …

      At this juncture only two of them that I can see and they are both Female. I’m cool with that.

    • NikFromNYC says:

      Bill Whittle is the pilot who radicalized estrogenic closet homosexual Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit whose babe “Instawife”( keeps harping on about manhood. It’s been interesting watching the libertarians figure out how to create their own media network on the cheap, online. That’s sort of how politics snuck up on me too. It sure wasn’t Fox News or Limbaugh, since they have always had a right wing reactionary and religious vibe that meant I didn’t relate to them well but in small doses via entertainment, and even that required 9/11 in my city where I was about to do a crucial trade show booth downtown that was thus cancelled.

      Ironically, if it is currently a decision between a faux religious Republican and an authentically religious one, I’d much prefer the later since religion makes very little sense to me unless taken it seriously. I don’t want a leader who doesn’t take the claimed most important aspect of their life seriously, for then they are unlikely to take the Constitution seriously either unless they are a wild man libertarian the likes of which scare too many people with hints of radical forays into uncharted territory to be electable.

    • NikFromNYC says:

      Evidently we are being ruled by a dumbed down cartoonish version of psychological “denial,” so says cartoonist John Cook, egged on by his “Climate Change Denial” co-author Hayden Washington (who?):

      So what’s going on here is, you have an undergraduate degree physics major (Cook) with no sense of scientific rigor and discipline (due to a lack of research experience) cranking out web page after page of utterly one-sided (I call them “partisan”) technical essays who lacks much emotional intelligence for whatever reason, enough so that he’s only good at presenting an internally logically consistent array of mostly straw man arguments against a cartoon foe that revolve not around support for AGW but merely on what clodhoppers skeptics are. This affords him great perceived status, along with a recent real boost in status.

      So who is this Hayden guy? I read John’s cook book for AGW activism and it’s one big spit shine of the Malthusian Paul Ehrlich combined with boilerplate socialism and especially New Age calls for transformation of world consciousness in an orgy of planet healing Great Work bliss, full of phrases like “denial anti-science put forward by greenscam organizations.” Hayden is a Ph.D. “environmental scientist” in “social ecology” who studies the various meanings of the term “wilderness.” So he’s a harmless hippie who also lacks empirical research training in hard science who still takes AGW at face value, based on the influence of John Cook.

      He wrote a book called Ecosolutions in ’91 for which Amazon reviews say…drum roll….

      Sorry…out of print with no reviews. Cook’s book has a whopping three reviews. I guess mine will count a lot when I get around to adding it then!

  7. NikFromNYC says:

    Haydn is here:

    My word, their book is now only available as “4 new from $81.17 1 used from $122.50.”

    What is the Amazon sales rank?

    Uh oh: #2,280,956. How low can you go? Must have been a short initial print run.

    For comparison let’s check the sales rank of “How to Good-bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way?”

    Ah yes: #182,890

    How about “The Hockey Stick Illusion”?

    Rank: #83,224

    So the skeptic’s book sold 27 times as well as Cook’s book. Can I get back to work finally? I’m getting bored with online activism. There’s fewer and fewer alarmist news articles to add facts to that aren’t just about boring political meetings.

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