Romm Blames Texas Drought On Rick Perry

So who caused it in 1956?

Or 1925?

or 1918?

Had Romm been born 400 years ago, he would be out burning witches.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Romm Blames Texas Drought On Rick Perry

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    I think Mr Romm is an example of what happens to people when they get made fun of, just once too often

    • Blade says:

      IQ Reference Chart

      When people are restrained by low IQ’s, they act like a person trapped in a glass box, forever pushing outwards to no avail. They try unsuccessfully to be over-achievers but wind up merely as drama queens.

      What intellect they can muster within their intelligence box is within the bounds of their specific IQ, usually in the range of 70-80 (dullness). They are safe in here, and really should have stayed.

      What intellect they attempt to demonstrate outside the box is completely out of their IQ range and is characterized by melodrama, narcissism, handwaving and bedwetting.

      This is kinda like the Peter Principle, but focuses more on the fact that they are misfits in their fields, in well over their heads, severely unqualified, and likely headed for a psychotic break.

      Great examples of this are Joe Romm, Al Gore, Princess Charles and President Dumbo.

  2. Richard Todd says:

    How much carbon dioxide is released from a typical burning witch?

  3. Kramear says:

    Rick Perry was “a former Democrat who was co-chair of Vice President Gore’s 1988 presidential campaign in the state.”

    I don’t want that ‘effin fake RINO in the RNC or anywhere near it.

  4. deadscience says:

    Does Texas have an unending supply of water regardless of any drought or heat wave. Must be no problem to supply more water to everyone the way things are being managed. More people are moving in, locating in rural areas and drilling into the remaining aquifers. The dried river beds and shrinking reservoirs (some down more than 60 feet) are not suppling everyone. So where is the extra water to come from? Pray, baby pray. Rely on faith instead of science, planning, logic, and rational thought. Get rid of the EPA, put in more coal mines, burn more oil. Why try to do anything about the climate, the heat or the drought other than pray. It worked last time didn’t it? Rick, you should legislate three months of continuous prayer. With all the extra heat in the gulf it may bring in a category five hurricane and lots of water.

    • Take your meds. Aztecs thought they could control the droughts through human sacrifice. You don’t even have that much of a plan.

    • Me says:

      deadscience, you got the name right, AGW is dead science. It’s you that needโ€™s to pray because your gravy train is soon dead. Looks like you will have to work for a living like the rest of the population, unless you are one of them rich elite or born into it with your silver spoon. Either way it will be all down hill for you from now on. ๐Ÿ™‚

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