Science Magazine : US Faces Horrific Drought!

Lake Powell Doomed!

the average annual flow has fluctuated much more in past centuries than it did during the last century, suggesting that the droughts also were more extreme

How could they have had severe droughts before man interfered with the climate? That sounds impossible. The climate was stable before SUVs were discovered in Detroit circa 1975.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Science Magazine : US Faces Horrific Drought!

  1. Al Gored says:

    On a related topic, the current ‘heat wave,’ I have noticed that the usual TV suspects have been using the ‘heat index’ instead of the temperature to make it sound worse.

    It is July.

    In the meantime, this hype accidentally notes how ununprecedented it is:

    “OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) – Forecasters say the heat wave gripping the central U.S. is “unrelenting” and sweaty residents shouldn’t expect any relief soon…

    In Oklahoma City, forecasters expected another day of 100-degree heat Sunday, which would be the 27th day this year the city has reached 100 or above. The city’s record is 50 such days, set in 1980, and it’s on pace to break it this year.”

  2. Al Gored says:

    On Canadian TV news (CBC) yesterday they were warning of the ‘heat wave’ that was hitting ‘most of Canada.’

    They stated that by their definition a ‘heat wave’ is three days in a row of 32 C or above.

    I guess they don’t think anybody has maps… or else Canada has shrank due to the relentless heat and all that.

  3. TinyCO2 says:

    I don’t know if you’ve seen this powerpoint presentation but it’s got some really interesting info about US mega droughts. It mentions one 1663-1666 which are the same years the UK had a severe drought which culminated with the Great Fire of London.

    It’s a report about drought in NYC but it covers more areas. One of the conclusions – “NYC will be in a heap of trouble when a real/paleo drought hits!”

  4. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    Their first mistake was to ask NSF and NRC for a forecast! We have experienced some of the most stable climate for this Holocene period.
    The desert southwest is a desert because it is in a permanent drought. Lack of drought is the abnormal condition.
    We have been under heat alerts based on “Heat Index” for some time. That is as meaningless as global temperatures or measuring regional temperatures at airports.

  5. Blade says:


    Hey I’ve seen Planet of the Apes, (the real one) therefore I know that Lake Powell is fine for at least another 2,000 years.

    The human race on the hand, is another story.

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