Scientifiic American : Junk Science Is The New Norm For Climate


Yea, I remember now – they forecast that heavy snow is a thing of the future and that hurricanes would diminish along the US coast.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Scientifiic American : Junk Science Is The New Norm For Climate

  1. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    They got it backwards. Extreme weather is responsible for Climate Change.

  2. Latitude says:

    too funny
    comment 16 and 17 – saults – is RGates

  3. Dave N says:

    “..if such extreme events hadn’t suddenly seemed more common..”

    At least they acknowledge that they only seem to be more common. Since in reality they’re not, it’s the now usual junk from SA. The first few comments are classic. I suggest they change their name to “Speculative American”; it fits much better.

    • Stark Dickflüssig says:

      Comment number six by one called “brerlou” is perhaps the best knee-slapper of its type (emphasis is mine):

      “If you take a transparent kettle of boiling water off the stove, wait a minute or two, then put it back on the stove, you will be able to IMMEDIATELY notice how the activity of the bubbles changes. Our climate is literally the result of the same activity.”

      I know I’m a bit drunk (holiday weekend, hooray), but that spurious “literally” nearly made me lose control of my bladder.

    • Independent says:

      They “seem” more common? Hello, SA, there is this newfangled thing called the Internet. You can access, for free and in seconds, multiple studies on all of these subjects. The only reason to speculate is laziness or a lame attempt at obfuscation.

  4. Stark Dickflüssig says:

    Mostly OT, but from

    “Regarding the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) correction, Professor Dick Peltier, Director of the Centre for Global Change Science at the University of Toronto and one of the leading experts on GIA and its effects on sea level, sent us the initial reference for the GIA correction that we apply to the global mean sea level estimate.

    Gosh, so if some dude with a PhD and tenure calls claiming to be an expert in Psychosomatic Thetan Belly Washing they’ll add 0.3mm/yr to some arbitrary measure just for giggles, eh? I guess it’s time to polish up the old resumé and make a few phone calls.

  5. dp says:

    I’m no stranger to extreme weather. Witness the hell on earth we endured just this past winter in this chilling trailer filmed entirely on my deck: – Climate Change: It’s just the beginning! I think we must have had a good inch of snow before it was over. The humanity!


  6. Gator says:

    Is ‘Dancer Tiffy’ an IPCC reviewer or modeler? Maybe a policy maker? Certainly she has at least taken a pole. ; )

  7. DEEBEE says:

    Two lines of reasoning — one for which no data was presented (take an insurance company’s word) and other line controversial by truth teller Trenbeth. WOW

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