Senate Majority Leader Is Senile

“[It’s] time we return to the type of fiscal discipline that democrats brought to Washington in the 90?s when democrats in the Congress and White House balanced the budget”

That was a Republican Congress, Harry. Democrats controlled Congress from 2006-2010, when unemployment and debt skyrocket.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Senate Majority Leader Is Senile

  1. P.J. says:

    I get sick every time I see this:

  2. P.J. says:

    This isn’t nearly as bad … happy Canada Day!

  3. “Why I remember back when the Democrats fought the Civil War because the Republicans and their big money pals at WalMart wanted to legalize slavery. We can’t let them do it again.”

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      That sounds like the Harry I knew! I first met the man in 1968. I think I became a Republican in 1968!

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Speaking of politics……..

    A nationally recognized computer expert who has served as contributing author and technical editor for more than 100 books on Adobe and Microsoft software says the Obama long-form birth-certificate image released by the White House is a fraudulent document created with Adobe software.

    “The PDF file released by the White House contains evidence of manipulation suggesting that one or more forgers utilized existing Hawaiian birth certificates to assemble fraudulently for Barack Obama a document the president presented to the world as authentic……… (the) altered document is manufactured, or in everyday parlance – a forgery……”

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      She comes highly qualified:

      -Mara Zebest grew up in Baltimore MD, where her parents cultivated her
      life-long love of art and graphic design. She spent 26 years as a Navy wife,
      traveling around the country with their two children; until settling down in
      the Sacramento area in 1990.
      -Mara has served as co-author on the Inside Photoshop series of books as well
      as Photoshop Elements 2.
      -Mara has served as Technical Editor on numerous books on Photoshop,
      Illustrator, Xara, and Microsoft Office series.
      -Mara also teaches private classes on Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
      and Microsoft Office to Goverment Employees and Fortune 500 corporations.

      11 pages of detailed analysis of birth certificate:

  5. Independent says:

    1. The budget was not balanced in the ’90s (unless you include the money they stole from Social Security surpluses).
    2. It was a combination of a Republican Congress and Democratic president that made it even get that close to happening, not Democrats in Congress (who were completely opposed to the idea of a balanced budget, just as today’s Democrats in Congress are completely opposed to a balanced budget).
    3. In case you didn’t already know, Harry Reid is a pathological liar and has been for a very long time.

    • DEEBEE says:

      To your first point, I agree. The best way to shut up people (I had to do that recently) is to go to the treasury department’s web site and look at the toal US Debt, over the years. The last time there was a blip downwards was in early 50’s. So one has to end up asking if there is a surplus, then why is the debt increasing?

      • Blade says:


        See my following post below, point [1]. Please see the graph too!

        His comment obfuscates things a little. The Trust Fund surplus has been added into the general budget since around 1968. This is because Medicare (created by LBJ) had to be disguised as well as all the other Great Society massive welfare spending.

        In the 1950’s there obviously was no Medicare, and much less welfare and more importantly no baby boom approaching retirement, so Social Security was still relatively solvent (so the Trust Fund surplus was off-budget just like it always was). The few ‘programs’ that were undertaken Post-WWII and Post-Korea were handled on-budget by means of extraordinary tax rates (90% top bracket!).

        So it is easy to do Apples and Oranges with the budget.

        That entire Trust Fund fiasco was done by the Democratic Socialist party which had overwhelming control of the White House and Congress since JFK. And, note that the previous time it was that one-side was the New Deal. We can call the 2009-2010 Pelosi-Reid-Dumbo era the Raw Deal.

        Free clue for future voters … If you ever want to absolutely destroy the budget and rack up unprecedented debts just do what was done in 1932 and 1964 and 2008, that is to elect overwhelming majorities of Democratic Socialists.

        They created the Triple Crown or ‘three strikes your out’ of budget busting: Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare.

  6. Blade says:

    I understand the points you made but folks from elsewhere may not understand completely.

    [1] The Trust Fund has been merged into the budget since LBJ (D) was president and total (D) Congress in charge of the purse. So while the point is technically correct about balance, in a relative comparison to budgets using the merged Trust Fund, it *was* balanced. Look at this graph and pay attention to the color of the datapoints, which indicates control of Congress.

    [2] The President does sign the bill to have it become law. However, the fat perverted alleged rapist Clinton had *no* inclination to balance those budgets. He was in fact famous for stalling these heroic actions by the 104th Congress. There is a compiled video (see below) of all Clinton’s televised comments: we’ll balance the budget in 6 years … 10 years … 8 years … etc”. After Congress did *all* of the work, Clinton’s dirtbag advisers had him embrace the budget and use it as PR. Many people have fallen for this, but it is nonsense. Clinton is a big fat liar. And a pervert.

    [3] yep

    VIDEO: Clinton was such a liar and he proved it only 5 months into the 104th Congress in June 1995. From Rush Limbaugh. If you know anyone repeating the lies about Clinton wanting to balance the budget please make them watch this. Here it is …

  7. PhilJourdan says:

    Reid is emboldened by the bald faced lies that he, Pelosi and Obama got away with for 2-4 years. With a sycophantic press, who is to question him? I once listened to an interview that old Teddy K. had on an issue. When it turned to perhaps somethings he had said that were not true, he got boisterous and defiant, not at the subject matter, but at the questioner. His demeanor was “how dare you question me! I am a SENATOR!”. So it is with the democrat cabal that have run the country into ruin. They lie blatantly, and then get belligerent when anyone questions them about the lies.

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