September 2008 : Time Magazine Asked “Is Global Warming Worsening Hurricanes?”

No hurricanes have struck the US since September, 2008.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to September 2008 : Time Magazine Asked “Is Global Warming Worsening Hurricanes?”

  1. Dear TIME Magazine:
    I have a short list of predictions I’d love to see y’all make:
    Newt Gingrich seals up the GOP nomination.
    Obama cruises to an easy victory in 2012.
    Stark Dickflüssig runs out of beer before he’s good and liquored up.

    Keep up the good work, guys!

  2. omnologos says:

    Perhaps this is an extension of the Gore Effect…as soon as MSM ask a rhetorical question about the climate, the exact opposite happens in the real world…

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