Shock News : Colorado Has Warmed 100 Degrees In The Last Five Months

If the trend continues, temperatures will be over 20,000 degrees by the end of the century.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Shock News : Colorado Has Warmed 100 Degrees In The Last Five Months

  1. chris y says:

    This is an excellent prediction, standing on the shoulders of climate giants like Ehrlich, Trenberth and Hansen.

    However, your linear trend ignores the positive feedbacks that will occur as the oceans are vaporized. The linear extrapolation is only valid until you reach 212 F over the oceans. Then as absolute atmospheric pressure rockets upwards and sea levels drop by meters per day, all Venus breaks loose!

    • Not only that, but as the temperature crosses 8 or 900°F all living things on Earth will cook to a fine, black char releasing gigatonnes of CO2, and causing runaway global warming of up to 6°F/century. We need to install heat-proof windmills to keep this from happening.

  2. Andy WeissDC says:

    The Arctic is going to be ice-free by the year 2111 and all you can do in response is to create lame humor about a deadly serious subject, namely winter changing into summer.

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